Ma'ajoon is a mixture of vanilla ice cream, walnut and pistachionuts, honey, banana and a slice of pineapple. It is so popular that many of them are prepared by staff before being ordered.
One the most famous juice and ic cream shops in neighborhood. No place to sit. You can stand in front of it or sit in your car. It’s fresh and also huge. Crowded at weekends nights.
Too crowded at peak times. Seeing lots of already made ice cream in the fridges made me feel they're not so fresh. 😰 Good thing is that you can wash your hands near a little valve nearby.
معجونش رو دوست داشتم 😍، روش يه اسكوپ بستني وانيلي خوشمزه داره و گردو تازه و پسته و آناناس، تركيب خود معجون هم خيلي خوبه ولي چند بار پوست گردوي ريز يا شايدم شن اومد زيز دندون😟😑
این بخش از خیابون ستارخان پاتق شکموهاست طوری که شب ها هیمشه جلوی بابارحیم صفه. بهترین سفارش ها شیر پسته و معجونه ولی کلا هر چی از منو سفارش بدین پشیمون نمی شید.