Most scenic spot in OKC. South side is natural and tree-filled. East side is great for recreation and features several awesome restaurants. Hefner GC on SW side of lake is a good spot for a round.
This is the perfect urban lake area for sailing, fishing, biking, walking, running, exercising your dog, or just enjoying the beautiful sunsets. Read more
Best place to find THE TRUE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE of GOD. On a sunny day JC has been known to drop by as well. Reading scriptures, listening to praise and worship and/or just praying IS AWESOME
The lake and trails are great, but I don't feel I can take my little ones out there due to the many rude and some times dangerous people that you find on bikes and rollerblades.
Did you know? Before the lake was built in 1947, the area was part of an 1889 homestead called Spring Creek Township. Some building foundations are still visible at times. Read more
great place to run. i will often twitter after i run..i always feels safe to run here with my trainer. i have ran at the Beautiful Lake Hefner since 1996!
Not a bad lake. The city stole a bunch of water and killed the town of Canton for no reason to fill it... right before the rainy season... and floods... without doing any other water conservation...