Find your way up the hill to the stand making the black eggs in the sulfur springs. Sold in bags of 5 for $5. Said to add 7 years o your life. We had two each.
The black eggs of Owakudani. The eggs are cooked in the hot spring here, and the shells are blackened by the sulphur, and eating these eggs are said to prolong one's life by seven years
The walking paths are still all closed off due to dangerous gases etc so you can only get here via ropeway or car. If you come by car on a weekend be prepared for a long wait for parking
Sulphuric hot springs. Take the Odakyu Romancecar to Hakone-Yumoto Station浪漫特快 (新宿站 → 箱根汤本站)Take the Hakone Tozan Train to Gora登山列车 (箱根汤本站 → 强罗车站)Take Hakone Tozan Cable Car to Souzan登山缆车 (强罗站 → 早云山
Si vous ne craignez pas trop les odeurs de souffre, achetez des "black eggs" au bout du chemin. Ces oeufs durs à la coquille noire ont un leger goût souffré.