It is worth paying a little more for a seat (£5 for a cushion) ratehr than standing for the longer productions. You can even enjoy a glass of wine in the theatre whilst you watch a play!
The original Globe Theatre, where many of William Shakespeare's plays were first staged, burned to the ground in 1613. Nearly 400 years later, it was rebuilt not far from its original site. Read more
Guided tours of the facility are offered throughout the day in the theatre's winter off-season. From May to September, however, Globe tours are only available in the morning.
Doth myne eyes deceive me? Is it true that The Table is but moments away? Forsooth, my heart doth quicken, my tummy grumble! I shall away this instant. (We're just behind The Tate on Southwark St.)
Amazing reconstructed original looking theatre, that always has showings of one of Shakespeare's numerous pieces of work performed by the Royal Shakespeare company. Book tickets in advance.
The theatre’s distinctive curved oak timbers are sourced from the same Surrey forest that supplied the Navy’s medieval dockyards with oak frame supports for ship hulls. Find your maritime story. Read more
Originally built in the 16th Century, this playhouse was authenticallyreconstructed in 1997 right down to the 12 million wooden pegs to hold it together
Fantastic venue, brilliant acting and terrivle, terrible audience. Ignorants, uncivilized and with no culture at all. The morons laugh all the time, even in the most dramatic scenes.
Walk along the riverbank including going over the wobbly bridge. Grab a coffee/lunch. Enjoy city view. Pre book & see Shakespeare in recreation of Globe. Pick sunny day (open air) only £5 in yard. Read more
MACBETH! The groundlings had by far the most fun in this production. Standing in z yard our experience was intensified as we were enveloped by a canopy tht extended z stage & made us 1 among z cast! Read more
A reconstruction of the famous Elizabethan open-air theatre where Shakespeare worked, true to the spirit of the original, celebrating and educating about Shakespeare’s work.
I recently saw a matinee performance at this great theatre, I really wanted to go to an evening performance as I thought the atmoshere would be better. I needn't have worried. The atmosphere was brill
Shakespeare's Globe is a unique international resource dedicated to Shakespeare's work and the playhouse for which he wrote, through performances and education.