Much faster than Terminal 1 (smaller). The security lane on the left is always faster. Always check in online before heading to the airport to save time! CaribouCoffee is open before 5am.
Body scanner on far-right lanes (2 lanes/ 1 scanner) is good for those w/ metallic implants: knees, hips, etc. No need for unnecessary invasive pat-down. Great for grams and gramps.
While Terminal 1 is half airport and half shopping mall, Terminal 2 is fast, lean, and mean. Both are great and still the best dealing with winter weather.
Much like the Sharks and the Jets, Starbucks and Caribou reside on opposite ends of the terminal, so you'll get your walking in if your gate is not nearby...
Free wifi but it is not the greatest, cuts in and out. Lines are always short and quick. FYI for Spirit passengers, they are always delayed an hour. Don't know why but that's what's up.
Lines are generally short, but even when they're not they move quickly. Once through the ID screening, go to the lines on the left to avoid the full body scanner which takes longer.
Newer escalator walkways to the LRT is slick. After exiting the concourse, take a left, go down and up an escalator, follow the walking escalators and you're at the Terminal 2 LRT in minutes.
If stuck here for a few hours, consider taking the light rail over to the Lindberg (main) terminal. It's a 5 min walk + 10 min free train ride away and offers better dining & shopping.
For those non-citizens that don't bring their passports (what?!), you go through an extra security person for 2 extra minutes but get to skip to front of security line after! Bogus.
Use the My TSA app to post security point wait times. Really handy for other people to know how long lines are. And if enough people use it, it'll be handy for you to!
Wifi @ 10min a go: enter a throwaway email for a code: for 10 min of wifi, rinse and repeat.
Arrive at 5:20 am on a Saturday - no lines, no security. Just make sure that you read your flight departure time correctly. 2 hrs to flight time and no pillows in sight. I'm not a morning person.
Okay the TSA line is easy and fast but there REALLY needs to be signs saying where which airline is at what terminal ... if there are they're NOT VERY viable ... miss an important flight thanks
If you've not flown since 9/11, please review the TSA website before packing. Seriously. I don't want to wait for 20 minutes for you dig out your family of 5's liquids & all the chaos that ensues.