TERRIBLE: food, service, ambiance; I literally have nothing good to say about this abomination of a restaurant. Sylvia's has no right to call itself soul-food because this place is totally soul-less.
it may be good somewhere in the past, but currently I think this place is totally overrated. The food was so terrible that I can't believe it has some soul in it.
Música en directo de 12 a 4 pm. Mucho estilo, resume el espíritu de Harlem. Pide ( aunque suene raro) pollo frito con gofres, y de postre el pastel de melocotón.
Si vous y allez en groupe, non appétit... Ne manger pas trop le matin, c'est copieux... Attention au prix des boissons.. Un peu chère à mon goût.; 9 dollars la bière, 11 le verre de vin.
La fama di un tempo si è estinta e rimangono quasi solo turisti incuriositi e mal consigliati dalle guide.il pollo fritto non è male ma servito sui waffles fa abbastanza ribrezzo!