Sudip’s Liked Places
The Longwall (Beefeater) is one of Sudip’s Liked Places.

1. The Longwall (Beefeater)

Oxford Business Park, Garsington Road (Garsington Rd), Oxford, Oxfordshire
Pub · 7 tips and reviews

Sudip B.Sudip Bhaduri: Very tasty rump of lamb!!! Lovely staff

The Roebuck is one of Sudip’s Liked Places.

2. The Roebuck

Lancashire, Lancashire
Pub · 4 tips and reviews

Sudip B.Sudip Bhaduri: Great to be back as always :) brilliant staff as always

BBC Radio Lincolnshire is one of Sudip’s Liked Places.

3. BBC Radio Lincolnshire

Radio Buildings (Newport), Lincoln, Lincolnshire
Radio Station · 2 tips and reviews

Sudip B.Sudip Bhaduri: Be very nice to Jill on reception !

The Lincoln Hotel is one of Sudip’s Liked Places.

4. The Lincoln Hotel

Eastgate, Lincoln, Lincolnshire
Hotel · 8 tips and reviews

Sudip B.Sudip Bhaduri: Back at a newly refurbished Lincoln hotel nice lobby it will grow on me