Places to go when it's raining
Luiz Felipe's house is one of Places to go when it's raining.

1. Luiz Felipe's house

Curitiba, PR
Home (private) · No tips or reviews
Cinemark is one of Places to go when it's raining.

2. Cinemark

ParkShoppingBarigüi (Piso Superior, Lj. 257), Curitiba, PR
Movie Theater · 192 tips and reviews
Praça Oswaldo Cruz is one of Places to go when it's raining.

3. Praça Oswaldo Cruz

Pç. Oswaldo Cruz, Curitiba, PR
Plaza · 56 tips and reviews
Rua 24 Horas is one of Places to go when it's raining.

4. Rua 24 Horas

R. do Comércio 24 Horas, Curitiba, PR
Miscellaneous Store · 140 tips and reviews