Very tasty beef burger and I have also enjoyed the hummus. My friend took the salad with goat cheese - loved it. Very friendly service, comfortable to watch sport games and relax with friends.
Nice atmosphere! Kids zone, closed room, were you can control volume of music, or watch tv, etc. Food look nice and very tasty. They have huge window to kitchen were you can see how they cook! 😊
New place, burgers was very good, they asking how you want to prepare the beef, only few places in our town offering such an essential feature. Hope they will keep the plank.
Burgers were OK – 8/10, French fries – 4/10, flexibility – 1/10, compliance with the name of the bar (smartness) – 3/10, interior – 9/10, politeness of waitresses – 9/10. Total – 6/10 or 3/5.
Šį vakarą jūsų laukia didelis bokalas šalto alaus ir traškios vištienos juostelės. 6.50 eur pasiūlymas - tobulas futbolo rungtynių stebėjimui ;)Laukiame Jūsų!
Išraiškingo skonio ir kokybės maistas, puikūs desertai, skanūs kokteiliai ir kiti gėrimai, didžiuliame amerikietiško stiliaus bare!Čia rasite VIP salę ypatingoms progoms ir vaikų žaidimų aikštelę :)
Pusvalandį neatnešė paprasto užsakymo, kiti jau pavalgė ir pasakiau, kad nebelauksiu. Tuomet padavėjas nebekalbėjo, tik numetė sąskaitą ant stalo. Smart!