#neo4j user group meets at Skills Matter every 3rd Wednesday of the month.. 75 people learning and sharing neo and datagraph skills here at August meeting
Follow @skillsmatter for free talks and meet ups every night except Fri, on software architecture, DDD, nosql, java, .NET, scala, F#, Clojure, web, agile, software craftsmanship and more
The London Scala User Group meets here every month! Check out their next meetup or SkillsCast recordings of previous meetups here: http://skillsmatter.com/user-group/scala/lsug/wd-23 #scala #lsug
ALSO TONIGHT: Data science with F#: Social network analysis (talk by @evelgab #fsharp #bigdata https://skillsmatter.com/meetups/6515-data-science-with-fsharp-social-network-analysis-evelina-gabasova