Lates (last Wednesday each month) have a fun atmosphere - a chance for grown-ups to interact with science as kids do. The museum also seems to use the SCVNGR app sometimes, which can supply fun 'tasks
Much of the collection was inherited from the Museum of Patents (est 1858) and includes early locomotives such as Stephenson’s Rocket and Puffing Billy, and the first jet engine.
There are over 300,000 artifacts! Check the Puffing Billy (the oldest steam locomotive) and first jet engine. Also see the IMAX 3D Cinema that shows science and nature documentaries. Read more
Give yourself adequate time to explore this giant of a museum, at least 2 hours. It's huge and packed with lovely knowledge for all ages including live size planes.'s actually kind of boring. If you've been to any science museum in US you'll find nothing interesting here (accept maybe the retro cars and the Imax theater)
Cockroach Tours at the Science Museum (every Saturday and Sunday until December) check out the video it speaks for itself… costumes
Food is a teenie bit pricey here but there is a great picnic area on level 3 near the launchpad. Tends to clear out by 2pm for those who can hang on for a late lunch.