Rafael’s Liked Places
Toca Do Siri (OFICIAL) is one of Rafael’s Liked Places.

1. Toca Do Siri (OFICIAL)

Rua São João, 350 (Rua Abilio Leite), Brumado, BA
Seafood Restaurant · 1 tip

Rafael U.Rafael Uchella Rodrigues: Melhor bar e restaurante da região!! Camarão empanado, camarão ao alho e óleo, isca de peixe, aipim frito, siri catado, bobó de arraia..

2. Toca Do Siri

Brumado, BA
Restaurant · No tips or reviews
Casa Flora is one of Rafael’s Liked Places.

3. Casa Flora

R. Santa Rosa, 207, São Paulo, SP
Winery · Sé · 31 tips and reviews
Ponto Chic is one of Rafael’s Liked Places.

4. Ponto Chic

Lrg. Pe. Péricles, 139, São Paulo, SP
Sandwich Spot · Barra Funda · 219 tips and reviews