The plates will be small in size but big in flavor: pintxos (little snacks from the Basque region), bocadillos (little sandwiches) and lots of grilled meats and seafood. Read more.
Now hosting weekly crawfish boils with mudbugs flown in live from the Pelican State. Acadiana hosts boils each Friday on the patio from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. for $13 a pound. Read more.
You can replace the sake with something like an "Ice Flurry" (lychee crystal: lychee puree, orange bitters, vodka) or the Schuss Mulled Wine (red wine, black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, & orange). Read more.
When you think of the Chesapeake Bay, you think oysters & blue crabs. The owner of the Chesapeake Room wants you to also think of Senate bean soup, local cheese & even steaks butchered from steers. Read more.