Around 5pm-7pm it can be hard to get a treadmill or a bike. Especially 1 of 2 Life Fitness upright bikes. The other two make my butt go numb. Why not make the offices upstairs into more workout space?
You're more likely to see a leprechaun, riding on Chewbacca's back, while being struck by lightning than to see the paper towel dispensers working in the men's locker room.
Do your 10 minutes of stretching with your daughter in the stretching room. NOT on 2 treadmills when there is literally a line for treadmills starting.
Half the equipment is broke. I went to go do my glutes and then my triceps and biceps and the machines aren't lubed or tightened! No ipod chargers either.
We're Planet Fitness - The Judgement Free Zone. We're known for our low prices, friendly staff, and positive environment. Our philosophy is that in our clubs, you should be free to get in shape, have fun, or just kick back and relax in one of our massage chairs, it's entirely up to you.