Pitoet’s Liked Places
Gentan Traditional Market is one of Pitoet’s Liked Places.

1. Gentan Traditional Market

jln.kaliurang km 10 (gentan), Ngaglik, DI Yogyakarta
Flea Market · 2 tips and reviews

Pitoet N.Pitoet Noegroho 🔴: Pasar langganan

2. Gumati Cafe And Space

Kecamatan Depok, DI Yogyakarta
Coffee Shop · 2 tips and reviews

Pitoet N.Pitoet Noegroho 🔴: Kopinya enak

Warung Sop Dan Sate Sapi Pak Bayu is one of Pitoet’s Liked Places.

3. Warung Sop Dan Sate Sapi Pak Bayu

Kecamatan Ngaglik, DI Yogyakarta
Diner · 5 tips and reviews

Pitoet N.Pitoet Noegroho 🔴: Murah dan enak

Kopi Gajah is one of Pitoet’s Liked Places.

4. Kopi Gajah

JL. Kaliurang KM 9.5, Nglaban, Ngaglik, Sleman, DI Yogyakarta
Coffee Shop · 2 tips and reviews

Pitoet N.Pitoet Noegroho 🔴: Suasananya enak dan nyaman. Untuk makanan...... So so lah

Toserba "WS" is one of Pitoet’s Liked Places.

5. Toserba "WS"

Jalan Kaliurang Km. 11, Sleman, DI Yogyakarta
Department Store · 7 tips and reviews

Pitoet N.Pitoet Noegroho 🔴: Harga telur dan minyak salah satu yang termurah di ngaglik

6. Kaliurang KM 13.5

Kaliurang, Ngaglik, DI Yogyakarta
Uncategorized · 6 tips and reviews
Bubur Ayam Khas Jakarta 09 is one of Pitoet’s Liked Places.

7. Bubur Ayam Khas Jakarta 09

Jalan Kaliurang Km. 14, Sleman, DI Yogyakarta
Breakfast Spot · 2 tips and reviews

Pitoet N.Pitoet Noegroho 🔴: Bubur nya enak. Satenya lengkap

Alfasupermarket Jakal KM 9 is one of Pitoet’s Liked Places.

8. Alfasupermarket Jakal KM 9

Ngaglik, Special Region of Yogyakarta
Market · 2 tips and reviews

Pitoet N.Pitoet Noegroho 🔴: Tempat parkirnya luas, lengkap, salah satu tempat favorit bagi bikers subuhan jogja utk tikum awal. Sayang sekali parkiran utara dan selatan tergerus lokasi utk jualan.

Djoyo Kitchen is one of Pitoet’s Liked Places.

9. Djoyo Kitchen

Jl. Sidomukti D-27 Tiyasan, Condongcatur, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (Depan Masjid Baitussalam), Depok, DI Yogyakarta
Comfort Food Restaurant · 6 tips and reviews

Pitoet N.Pitoet Noegroho 🔴: Soup nya enak. Cozy

Popina Kumpul Mangan is one of Pitoet’s Liked Places.

10. Popina Kumpul Mangan

Jl. Sidomukti 08 (Tiyasan), Condong Catur, DI Yogyakarta
Food Court · 1 tip
Warung Nasgor Ena Ena Bantul is one of Pitoet’s Liked Places.

11. Warung Nasgor Ena Ena Bantul

Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 65 (Seberang PKU Bantul), Bantul, DI Yogyakarta
Halal Restaurant · 2 tips and reviews

Pitoet N.Pitoet Noegroho 🔴: Good food, perfect location

NIMCO store is one of Pitoet’s Liked Places.

12. NIMCO store

Jalan Cendrawasih No.25 (Demangan Baru), Yogyakarta, DI Yogyakarta
Clothing Store · 6 tips and reviews
CGV Cinemas is one of Pitoet’s Liked Places.

13. CGV Cinemas

Hartono Mall, 2nd Floor, Jalan Padjajaran (Ring Road Utara) (Jalan Hartono Mall), Sleman, DI Yogyakarta
Movie Theater · 17 tips and reviews
Pondok Pesantren Sunan Pandan Aran Komplek I is one of Pitoet’s Liked Places.

14. Pondok Pesantren Sunan Pandan Aran Komplek I

Jl. Kaliurang km 12,5, Ngaglik, DI Yogyakarta
Education · 7 tips and reviews
Kayu Manis Hotel Tentrem is one of Pitoet’s Liked Places.

15. Kayu Manis Hotel Tentrem

Jl AM Sangaji, Yogyakarta, DI Yogyakarta
Breakfast Spot · 26 tips and reviews
Soto Babat Bu Mulyono is one of Pitoet’s Liked Places.

16. Soto Babat Bu Mulyono

Tembi (jl Parangtritis), Sewon, DI Yogyakarta
Asian Restaurant · 1 tip
Masjid Darussalam Ganjuran is one of Pitoet’s Liked Places.

17. Masjid Darussalam Ganjuran

Jl. Mijil Ganjuran Manukan Condong Catur, Sleman, DI Yogyakarta
Mosque · 1 tip
Warung Nasgor Ena-Ena Condong Catur is one of Pitoet’s Liked Places.

18. Warung Nasgor Ena-Ena Condong Catur

Sleman, DIY
Food Stand · 1 tip

Pitoet N.Pitoet Noegroho 🔴: Murah kenyang enak luar biasa

Lotek Uswatun is one of Pitoet’s Liked Places.

19. Lotek Uswatun

Jl. Kaliurang km 13, Sleman, DI Yogyakarta
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · No tips or reviews
Asrama Putra SMP IT Bias is one of Pitoet’s Liked Places.

20. Asrama Putra SMP IT Bias

Perumahan wirosaban baru, Kotamadya Yogyakarta, DI Yogyakarta
College Residence Hall · No tips or reviews
warung Nasgor Ena-Ena is one of Pitoet’s Liked Places.

21. warung Nasgor Ena-Ena

Jl. Kaliurang km 13 (Seberang alfamart mbesi), Sleman, DIY
Halal Restaurant · 1 tip

Pitoet N.Pitoet Noegroho 🔴: Nasgor nya enak, murah dan mengenyangkan 😉👍🏻

Starbucks is one of Pitoet’s Liked Places.

22. Starbucks

Rest Area Tol Ungaran - Bawen (Jalan Tol Semarang - Solo KM 22+200), Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Coffee Shop · 6 tips and reviews
SPBU VIVO is one of Pitoet’s Liked Places.


Jl.Dr Djundjunan 90 (Terusan Pasteur), Bandung, Jawa Barat
Fuel Station · 5 tips and reviews
Paris Van Java (PVJ) is one of Pitoet’s Liked Places.

24. Paris Van Java (PVJ)

Jalan Sukajadi No. 137-139, Bandung, Jawa Barat
Shopping Mall · Cipedes · 1348 tips and reviews

Pitoet N.Pitoet Noegroho 🔴: Tidak banyak perubahan sejak malam ini berdiri. Parkiran mobil kalo buat gw gak nyaman. Malu dan isinya juga gak banyak perubahan. Bosen!

KOZI a Coffee Lab. is one of Pitoet’s Liked Places.

25. KOZI a Coffee Lab.

Jl. Gudang Selatan No. 22, Bandung, Jawa Barat
Coffee Shop · 9 tips and reviews

Pitoet N.Pitoet Noegroho 🔴: Salah satu Coffee shop yang asik di bandung. Unik tempatnya dan enak kopinya

The Luxton is one of Pitoet’s Liked Places.

26. The Luxton

Jalan Ir. H. Juanda No. 18 (Dago), Bandung, Jawa Barat
Hotel · 72 tips and reviews

Pitoet N.Pitoet Noegroho 🔴: Kamarnya nyaman. Bersih, luas. Meeting room nya juga ok. Koneksi internet stabil dan lokasi strategis. Tapi kalo malam minggu jangan harap bisa keluar dari hotel ini dengan mudah 😅. Macet bok!

Warung Katombo is one of Pitoet’s Liked Places.

27. Warung Katombo

Jl. Kaliurang km. 5, Depok, DI Yogyakarta
Indonesian Restaurant · No tips or reviews

Pitoet N.Pitoet Noegroho 🔴: Juarak masakannya 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Yamaha Service Centre is one of Pitoet’s Liked Places.

28. Yamaha Service Centre

Jl. Magelang, Yogyakarta, DI Yogyakarta
Motorcycle Dealership · No tips or reviews
SMP BIAS Yogyakarta is one of Pitoet’s Liked Places.

29. SMP BIAS Yogyakarta

Jl. Imogiri No. 200A
Middle School · No tips or reviews
Gudeg Song Djie "Bu Atmo" is one of Pitoet’s Liked Places.

30. Gudeg Song Djie "Bu Atmo"

Jl. Godean, Yogyakarta, DI Yogyakarta
Indonesian Restaurant · 21 tips and reviews

Pitoet N.Pitoet Noegroho 🔴: Salah satu Gudeg lawasan terenak di jogja! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻