I enjoyed the jazz music in the lobby while waiting. Lovely theatre and riveting performance of "The Buried Child". NO coat check available. Very helpful staff!
9/2/13: Hilton Als on Lois Smith, now starring in the late Horton Foote's "The Old Friends": "Smith changes the atmosphere of whatever production we're lucky enough to have her in." Read more
Immersive and intimate, shows here represent a playwright's body of work. Subscribe for $25 per show - best theatre deal in NYC! - Jake Manabat, Hunting Season
Hilton Als on Sam Shepard's "Heartless" (through 9/30): "Could it be that Shepard's ideal woman is some version of Dad? Or is "Heartless" ultimately about role-playing"? http://bit.ly/PbDcav Read more
Medieval Play needs cuts. When the best jokes are the characters breaking to sympathize w/audience about how long and dull the show is, ya got problems.
When ordering tickets online on their site, be sure not to push wrong button. Listings are in top of each other. If you make a mistake - no refunds or exchanges!
Failed to mention the price had changed also. None of it made sense. I live in the neighborhood. I always recommend this place. She did not inspire me to continue that practice.
When I got here, there were no $4 margaritas or mojitos as advertised. The bartender told me the manager changed it because it inspired binge drinking. Told me there were other specials.
Signature Theatre Company exists to honor and celebrate the playwright. Signature makes an extended commitment to a playwright’s body of work, and during this journey, the writer is engaged in every aspect of the creative process.
Visit www.signaturetheatre.org for more information.