Greek Restaurant · West Village · 64 tips and reviews
Bravo: They have delicious and authentic Greek food. My favorites are the veal meatballs with prunes and the various small plates. -Malika Ameen, Top Chef Just Desserts
Bravo: Sunday night is the night to go. The queen of the night, Suzanne Barstch, and the fantastic Kenny Kenny host the best night in town at one of New York City's best clubs. -Patrick McDonald, Launch My L
240 Central Park S (at 59th St & Broadway), New York, NY
Seafood Restaurant · Theater District · 356 tips and reviews
Bravo: I could live on the uni and lardo ricci, perfect langostines or bone marrow and octopus fusilli. The choice and quality are staggeringly good. -Gail Simmons, Top Chef