Tom bazacas has been a personal trainer since he was in college back in the late 70's. In 1989 he went back to graduate school for three years and had to develop a workout that would work with his new lifestyle. It was easy to train and stay fit when you were running the nbac. Now he was a full time student with a part time job, would he stay in shape? Twenty plus years later he is still doing his weights and cardio circuit routine that he developed for school. He has over 40 male clients from ages 12 to 80 years old doing the same workout. It's fast, efficient and effective. Give him two to three hours a week and you'll get some great results. He has different starting times six days a week, so you don't need an appointment and there is no financial penalty for missing. The workout is affective for competitive athletes and people in the work place. Dorothy bazacas has taken tom's method of weights and cardio circuit training and designed it for the needs of women. She has had tremendous results with women of all ages. Dorothy has been training at the nbac for over 12 years.