Castle of the Holy Angel is one of Rome.

1. Castle of the Holy Angel

(Castel Sant'Angelo)
Lungotevere Castello, Roma, Lazio
Castle · 359 tips and reviews
Villa Borghese is one of Rome.

2. Villa Borghese

Piazzale Flaminio, Roma, Lazio
Park · 402 tips and reviews
Saint Peter's Square is one of Rome.

3. Saint Peter's Square

(Piazza San Pietro)
Piazza San Pietro, Vatican
Plaza · Città del Vaticano · 415 tips and reviews
St. Peter's Basilica is one of Rome.

4. St. Peter's Basilica

(Basilica Sancti Petri)
Piazza San Pietro, Vatican
Church · Città del Vaticano · 637 tips and reviews
Fountain of the Four Rivers is one of Rome.

5. Fountain of the Four Rivers

(Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi)
Piazza Navona, Roma, Lazio
Fountain · Parione · 115 tips and reviews
Colosseum is one of Rome.

6. Colosseum

Piazza del Colosseo (Via dei Fori Imperiali), Roma, Lazio
Historic and Protected Site · 1816 tips and reviews
Pantheon is one of Rome.

7. Pantheon

Piazza della Rotonda (Via Palombella), Roma, Lazio
Monument · Sant'Eustachio · 800 tips and reviews
Sant'Angelo Bridge is one of Rome.

8. Sant'Angelo Bridge

(Ponte Sant'Angelo)
Ponte Sant'Angelo, Roma, Lazio
Bridge · Ponte · 104 tips and reviews
Terrazza del Pincio is one of Rome.

9. Terrazza del Pincio

Piazzale Napoleone I, Roma, Lazio
Plaza · Campo Marzio · 79 tips and reviews
Villa Doria Pamphilj is one of Rome.

10. Villa Doria Pamphilj

Villa Doria Pamphili, Roma, Lazio
Park · Gianicolense · 87 tips and reviews
Piazza Venezia is one of Rome.

11. Piazza Venezia

Piazza Venezia, Roma, Lazio
Plaza · 248 tips and reviews
Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore is one of Rome.

12. Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore

Piazza di Santa Maria Maggiore, Roma, Lazio
Church · Monti · 142 tips and reviews
Turtle Fountain is one of Rome.

13. Turtle Fountain

(Fontana delle Tartarughe)
Piazza Mattei, Roma, Lazio
Fountain · 26 tips and reviews
Palatine is one of Rome.

14. Palatine

Via San Gregorio 30, Roma, Lazio
Historic and Protected Site · 164 tips and reviews
Giardino degli Aranci is one of Rome.

15. Giardino degli Aranci

Piazza Pietro d'Illaria, Roma, Lazio
Garden · Ripa · 115 tips and reviews
Parco Regionale dell'Appia Antica is one of Rome.

16. Parco Regionale dell'Appia Antica

Via Appia Antica, 58/60, Roma, Lazio
Park · Ardeatino · 28 tips and reviews
Piazza Navona is one of Rome.

17. Piazza Navona

Piazza Navona, Roma, Lazio
Plaza · Parione · 632 tips and reviews
Basilica di Santa Maria in Trastevere is one of Rome.

18. Basilica di Santa Maria in Trastevere

Piazza di Santa Maria in Trastevere, Roma, Lazio
Church · Trastevere · 44 tips and reviews
Roman Forum is one of Rome.

19. Roman Forum

(Foro Romano)
Via dei Fori Imperiali, Roma, Lazio
Historic and Protected Site · 456 tips and reviews
Buco della Serratura Priorato dei Cavalieri di Malta is one of Rome.

20. Buco della Serratura Priorato dei Cavalieri di Malta

Villa del Priorato dei Cavalieri di Malta (Piazza dei Cavalieri di Malta, 3), Roma, Lazio
Scenic Lookout · Ripa · 44 tips and reviews

21. Gelateria del Teatro

Via dei Coronari, 65 (Via di San Simone 70), Roma, Lazio
Gelato Shop · Ponte · 276 tips and reviews

Lucy R.Lucy Raskin: Unique mix of flavors that are worth trying along side old standards. Love hazelnut with ricotta-almond-fig and sage-raspberry. Pure joy and deliciousness.

La Romana is one of Rome.

22. La Romana

Via Venti Settembre, 60 (Via Piave), Roma, Lazio
Ice Cream Parlor · 339 tips and reviews

Vika K.Vika Kanar: Very clean, you can watch them prepare the ice-cream, flavors are exquisite and taste absolutely great! Staff is very nice and smiley

23. Saint Peter's Square

(Piazza San Pietro)
Piazza San Pietro, Vatican
Plaza · Città del Vaticano · 415 tips and reviews

Jhannet S.Jhannet Sanchez: Go to the top I walked all the steps and YES it is exhausting but totally worth the view! Amazing view from the very top! Loved it want to go back all ready!

24. Terrazza del Gianicolo

Piazzale Giuseppe Garibaldi, Roma, Lazio
Scenic Lookout · Trastevere · 73 tips and reviews

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Wonderful views across to the vatican.

25. Parco degli Acquedotti

Via Lemonia, Roma, Lazio
Park · Appio Claudio · 54 tips and reviews

Tomáš I.Tomáš Ibehej: Great park to relax and take a walk in good weather. Very nice man at information desk will provide you with many kinds of hand-drawn maps for better orientation between the remains of aquaducts.

Venchi is one of Rome.

26. Venchi

Via della Croce 25-26, Roma, Lazio
Ice Cream Parlor · Campo Marzio · 109 tips and reviews

joesboxjoesbox: Best gelato in Rome, specially if you are chocolate lover. Heaven in a cup!

La Romana is one of Rome.

27. La Romana

Via Cola Di Rienzo, 2, Roma, Lazio
Ice Cream Parlor · Prati · 104 tips and reviews

Michal N.Michal N: Pistachio ice cream with chocolate sauce 👍🏽

28. Piazza del Popolo

Piazza del Popolo, Roma, Lazio
Plaza · Campo Marzio · 294 tips and reviews

Andrew O BC 翁.Andrew O BC 翁: Remarkable scenery & great architecture of the twin look-aliked churches. Truly awesome indeed

29. Villa Ada

Via di Ponte Salario, 47, Roma, Lazio
Park · Parioli · 45 tips and reviews

Stavros V.Stavros Vassos: Big park in near Rome center. Great for walking, running, playing sports, bbq, or just chilling out with friends.