The menu includes raw vegan everything: from breakfast to cheese platters, quiche and pizza, but also coffee and many brownies, cakes and pies. Cosy interior, nice staff, English menu available.
Very creative and fresh. Love their concept. Quite unique to get raw pancakes and crepes. Due to that rawness, the consistency was different but the taste was excellent. Coconut heaven is a must.
Really great raw vegan food! Probably the best raw food I've ever had in my life..... Read more:
Cappuccino nebylo špatne, ale na vyhlášené kavárny to nemá. Dorty dobre, ale malé vzhledem k ceně. Lepší mají u konkurence. Prostředí a sezení v křeslech příjemné a milá obsluha!
Symfonie chutí ve slané i sladké verzi, ochutnali jsme bruschettu, cibulový quiche, míchaná "vajíčka"z avokáda i "sýr", a vše lahodné, dorty se rozplývají na jazyku, káva výborná,obsluha nejlepší!:)