Bring dollar bills to convert into quarters. You'll want to play a lot of these. Especially the one where Uncle Sam tells you how dateable you are based on your handshake.
Bring a few rolls of quarters and a few hours to spend. They have all kinds of old coin operated games, machines, and oddities! Fun and reminds me of going to the Dutchess CountyFair in Rhinebeck,NY Read more
A hidden gem that's otherwise surrounded by avoidable tourist traps, the Musee Mecanique is a trip back in time, and one that doesn't cost you an arm and a leg to enjoy.
About 20 pressed (elongated) penny machines from all over the San Francisco area. Plan to spend a couple hours here if you like cool old mechanical stuff!
If you’ve never heard Laughing Sal’s contagious belly laugh, don’t miss this chance. (Though beware, wee ones may find her more frightening than fun!)Powered by Read more
Welcome to the Musée Mécanique, one of the world's largest (over 200) privately owned collection of coin-operated mechanical musical instruments and antique arcade machines in their original working condition. (You can play them!)