Works longer on Thursdays. No coats accepted at wardrobe, alas. Amazing Monet paintings (I would dare to say better than those in other museums) and quite a Morisot collection. Great bookstore.
This is quite the hidden gem in Paris. Not a lot of people, lots of space and time to yourself to enjoy the absolutely beautiful art. Until July, there's a temporary exhibit "Naissance de l'Intime"
This art gallery is away from the centre, but well worth a visit if you like French art. The collection of Monet's works is stunning, but also they have excellent temporary exhibits.
Perhaps best impressionists museum in Paris as you can immerse yourself into paintings without 💯other people in room (in time of my visit there were only 6 more people in building!)
Some of the most important Monets and Morisots. The Laurencin exhibit, on until the end of June 2013 is wonderful. Most works have come from Tokyo, which makes it a unique occasion.
This is one of the best museums in Paris where one could see the breathtaking Impressionist works by Monet. Also find works by Degas, Manet, Pissarro, etc. Opens at 10am. Closed on Mondays.
The basement level of this museum is filled entirely with Monet's work. Tucked in the back is his iconic paintingImpression Sunrise, the piece credited for naming and starting the impressionist mvmt.
A mixed bag. The building is off the beaten track so it’s not easy to get here; the building itself is beautiful but not easy to get around in, which makes it complicated with a crowd.
Lovely villa, plus I had the luck to encounter just a handful of people. See some of Monet's nymphéas pictures and other impressionists. Very nice setting for the pictures!
if you get the 3€ audioguide, be aware that the numbers to dial in are not all displayed in the museum! This is very weird and a pity but so try all numbers to get a chance to hear everything
All summer long the unmissable temporary exhibit: Monet and Abstraction. Open every day from 11am to 6pm except on Monday Late night on Tuesday until 9pm Entrance 9 and 5 EUR. Read more
One of the most notable pieces in the museum is Monet’s Impression, Sunrise (Impression, Soleil Levant), the painting from which the Impressionist movement took its name.
Despite what the website tells you, this museum is NOT open late on Tuesdays but on Thursdays until 8 PM. Also it's a good 15 min walk from the train thru a scary park.
They have several paintings from Monet's waterlilies series displayed downstairs. It's also interesting how his paintings changed as he got older, blinder, and crazier.
L'une des pièces les plus remarquables du musée est l'Impression de Monet, Sunrise (Impression, Soleil Levant), la peinture dont le mouvement impressionniste prit sonnom
Une des collections de peintures impressionnistes les plus romantiques de Paris. Plus de 300 peintures de Degas, Manet, Pissaro, Gauguin, Renoir et la plus importante collection de Monet au monde
Um dos +lindos museus de Paris, concentra a maior parte da obra de Monet, desde suas atividades como caricaturista no porto até a tela 'Impression, Soleil Levant', que deu origem ao Impressionismo.