L'Antica Pizzeria da Michele is one of Italy.

1. L'Antica Pizzeria da Michele

Via Cesare Sersale 1/3, Napoli, Campania
Pizzeria · Pendino · 497 tips and reviews
Mercato Centrale is one of Italy.

2. Mercato Centrale

Piazza del Mercato Centrale 4 (Via dell'Ariento), Firenze, Toscana
Food Court · Mercato Centrale · 543 tips and reviews
Piazza del Duomo is one of Italy.

3. Piazza del Duomo

Piazza del Duomo, Firenze, Toscana
Plaza · Centro · 378 tips and reviews
Ponte Vecchio is one of Italy.

4. Ponte Vecchio

Ponte Vecchio, Firenze, Toscana
Bridge · Centro · 432 tips and reviews

Visit TuscanyVisit Tuscany: The “old bridge” once housed butchers, but the Medici, who had Vasari build his famous corridor above it, complained of the smell and installed goldsmiths here.