A little bit far away from the school. But definitely worth your to go there. Tuesday afternoon is free for local residents. Remember bring your student ID card.
One of the best zoos in the country! The enclosures are wonderful and spacious. A great array of animals to see - it's also lovely not to see them pacing like at many other zoos.
Did you know? The idea for the zoo began in 1904 as a home for Natch, a Southern black bear who was the mascot of the Memphis Turtlesbaseball team and was being kept chained to a tree in Overton ParkRead more
I have been to several zoos over the years with our little sister and cousin. So much easier to see the animals up close in a natural environment visiting from other places be sure to stop by
Connect with the wildlife and your fellow Memphians by becoming a volunteer! Volunteers are the heart of the Memphis Zoo, and there are so many ways to get involved! Visit memphiszoo.org/volunteer
Fashion jewelry has always been an important part of accessorizing in women especially young people because it allows you to be as stylish as you choose without going overboard http://www.epch.in
My favorite parts are always the cats and the primates. The zoo has an awesome area for the polar bears & wolves in the back of the zoo in new enclosures.
I rarely go to the zoo but this is a special time of the year. My niece and I have a annual tradition to go to zoo boo as our date night :-). If you have never taken your children you should!! #2012 Read more
They often feed the Grizzly Bears around 1pm at Teton Trek near the pond. It's a great way to see these big bears up close and personal. Check the daily schedule for details.
If you go to Stingray bay...1. It's AWESOME!!...2. Take a towel and a change of clothes for the kids! Your gonna get Wet but its worth it! Grab some food for them too for $2
If you have little ones, pack swim trunks, bathing suits, and towels in the summer. The geyser at Teton Trek and the fountain at the entrance are faborite places to splash!
Terrific zoo! Very underrated! First date here wherein my boyfriend and daughter me. Memories. Ice Skating in December under a white tent was so amazing.
The Memphis Zoo has tons of fun events every year: Zoo Brew, Zoo Rendezvous, Zoo Boo, and much more! They all help fund the animals, so check them out!
This zoo was created in April of 1906. It is home to more than 3,500 animals and over 500 different species. The Overton Park has been a major tenant of the zoo for the past 100 years.
If I Was A Disney Princess I'd Have To Be Jasmine, I Rode A Camel At The Memphis Zoo!! Some Places You Get Smashed Pennies, Here You Get Wax Mold Animals!!
Find Inspiration By Observing The Most Interesting Animals & Creatures On The Planet. All In The Most Beautifully Designed Zoo On This Side Of The Mississippi!
Creatures of the Night is a must! Along with eating at the Cat House Cafe while looking @ the monkeys out the window. Sweet potato fries are expensive but worth it!