The beautiful Swiss-Italian charm cannot be explained in words! Also ideal for a sunny inexpensive one day visit just get a healthy slice of Pizza at Natural Food, then city, around lake and cable car
You can get a tour of the city by one of those touristroadtrain things. Takes about 30 to 40 mins to go around. City also nice for a walk around. Was modern art gallery but I wasn't interested in it
There's something different in the air of this city! A Mediterranean kind of breeze contrary to the other swiss cities. Especially in the summer. Elegant and beautiful natural surrounding.
Cheapboat rentals on the lake promenade. On the right side, near parco civico, pedalo for 8 SFr. / 30min and on the left side, to lugano-paradiso, motor boats from 30 SFr. / 30min.
Пожалуй, самый любимый город Швейцарии! Много солнца и красоты! Озеро, SwissMiniature, Fox Town, отличные рестораны и всего в 40 минутах от Миланской Мальпенсы! Рекомендую!!!
Stecca di sigarette 70 franchi svizzeri, cioè 58 €, circa 8 euro più care che in Italia, benzina a circa 1,5 € al lt, divina la cioccolateria in via Pessina 17, ma ovviamente carissima.
Carino il giro turistico col trenino,parte dal lungolago,8 € a persona. Molti negozianti danno il resto in franchi.Attenzione al cambio perché loro applicano quello che vogliono,cambiate prima gli €.