I don't understand why this place is so well rated. The soup is blend. The bread is dry and they don't eat the sandwich. So the basically it's 8$ on bread and cheapcheese no mustard or mayo.
St-Valentin est ici. Optez pour différent? Nos panier-cadeaux! 514-482-4100. Joyeuse St-Valentin! / Valentine’s Day is here. Opt for different? Our gift baskets! (514) 482-4100. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Notre nouveau site web www.lafoumagerie.com est accessible de vos ordinateurs et appareils mobiles. / Ournew website www.lafoumagerie.com is accessible from your computers, and, mobile devices.
Les directives de Santé Publique, nous ramènent à nouveau à nos heures normales. Merci! #achetezlocal / New Public Health directives are taking us back to our normal hours again.Thanks! #buylocal
Voici notre 2e partenaire de livraison / Here is our 2nd delivery partner... Uber Eats! https://www.ubereats.com/montreal/food-delivery/la-foumagerie/JUzJfX1NRLquMDljQQ5tDw