I love this place. Instead of starting a new third wave cafe these guys put up a traditional French bar that serves excellent Brulerie Belleville coffee from the roastery nearby and cocktails
From Eater: For the French, the baguette jambon-beurre is the misty-eyed equivalent of the cheeseburger in the United States. The one at this café is the best in town.
La Fontaine est un lieu charmant alliant l'esprit bistrot parisien, d'une façon moderne et tendance.This barrestaurant is a charming combination of the authentic parisian bristrot in a modern way.
Le comble du ridicule BOhemian BOurgeois mâtiné de hipsters cherchant l'inspiration pour leur prochain scenar' Le tout à 2.50 euros le café ! Fais 10 mètres, va en face, tu auras 2 cafés !