Most unpleasant experience with the wait staff, I waited for more than 20 min to receive the change from the check and when I got up to ask for help, they acted like it was a joke. So unprofessional!
Very poor and slow service , and I quote the waitress: I can't come to your table every 5 mins for you to order. I thought we came here to order stuff, no ? Will never come here again.
Waited 10 min. for the menu. Didn't get it till we asked for it... Waited 15 more min. to order; didn't happened, we left. Weird that there were at least 4 waiters standing at the bar, doing nothing.
Had a disappointing experience, had to get my own menu, waited for the waitress 15 minutes to come get our order and then an hour and a half for the food, called the manager and finally left
2 variante: fie nu te baga nimeni in seama, fie iti cer comanda la 2 minute dupa ce ti-au dat meniul (bonus: isi dau ochii peste cap daca le spui sa revina in 5 minute). Dar mancarea este excelenta :)
Am fost acolo de doua ori. De doua ori ne-au spus la intrare ca nu mai au locuri si de doua ori am intrat si am gasit cel putin 5 mese libere. Atmosfera extraordinara,serviciul ok, mancarea la fel.
Un local foarte draguț și frumos amenajat, gata sa te ducă în cea mai frumoasa călătorie culinară, însă servirea lasă de dorit: a durat mult până să aduca meniul și comanda desi terasa era goala...