Jess’s Liked Places
Outlet Premium Brasília is one of Jess’s Liked Places.

1. Outlet Premium Brasília

Rod. BR-060, km 21, Alexânia, GO
Outlet Store · 260 tips and reviews
Pier 21 is one of Jess’s Liked Places.

2. Pier 21

SCES Tr. 2, Lt. 32 (L4 Sul), Brasília, DF
Shopping Mall · 231 tips and reviews
Shopping Iguatemi is one of Jess’s Liked Places.

3. Shopping Iguatemi

SHIN CA 4, Lt. A, Brasília, DF
Shopping Mall · 287 tips and reviews
Livraria Cultura is one of Jess’s Liked Places.

4. Livraria Cultura

Shopping Iguatemi (Loja 101), Brasília, DF
Bookstore · 114 tips and reviews
Torteria Dominó is one of Jess’s Liked Places.

5. Torteria Dominó

CLN 102 Bl. D, Lj. 14, Brasília, DF
Dessert Shop · 5 tips and reviews
Parrilla Madrid is one of Jess’s Liked Places.

6. Parrilla Madrid

CLS 408 Bl. D, Lj. 1, Brasília, DF
Steakhouse · Asa Sul · 173 tips and reviews
Alquimia is one of Jess’s Liked Places.

7. Alquimia

CLS 209 Bl. C, Lj. 27, Brasília, DF
Acai House · 2 tips and reviews
Caixa Cultural is one of Jess’s Liked Places.

8. Caixa Cultural

SBS Qd. 4, Lt. 3/4, Brasília, DF
Cultural Center · 41 tips and reviews
Teatro da Caixa is one of Jess’s Liked Places.

9. Teatro da Caixa

SBS, Qd. 4, Brasília, DF
Theater · 3 tips and reviews
Taguacenter is one of Jess’s Liked Places.

10. Taguacenter

QNG AE 1 Lt. 2 (Taguatinga Norte), Brasília, DF
Shopping Plaza · Taguatinga · 44 tips and reviews
Moebius Café is one of Jess’s Liked Places.

11. Moebius Café

CLN 114 Bl. C, Lj. 60, Brasília, DF
Gaming Cafe · Asa Norte · 26 tips and reviews
La Bonne Fondue is one of Jess’s Liked Places.

12. La Bonne Fondue

SCES Tr. 2, Conj. 12, Lt. 6, Brasília, DF
Swiss Restaurant · 57 tips and reviews
Teatro Eva Herz is one of Jess’s Liked Places.

13. Teatro Eva Herz

Livraria Cultura, Brasília, DF
Theater · 7 tips and reviews
Maori Gastronomia Alternativa is one of Jess’s Liked Places.

14. Maori Gastronomia Alternativa

CLN 110 Bl. D, Lj. 28, Brasília, DF
Salad Restaurant · Asa Norte · 189 tips and reviews
Teatro Pedro Calmon is one of Jess’s Liked Places.

15. Teatro Pedro Calmon

Av. Duque de Caxias, Brasília, DF
Theater · 3 tips and reviews
Jardim Botânico de Brasília is one of Jess’s Liked Places.

16. Jardim Botânico de Brasília

Jardim Botânico de Brasília (Lago Sul), Brasília, DF
Botanical Garden · 83 tips and reviews
Kinoplex is one of Jess’s Liked Places.

17. Kinoplex

Boulevard Shopping (2º Piso, Loja T83), Brasília, DF
Movie Theater · Asa Norte · 74 tips and reviews
Bhumi Cozinha Orgânica is one of Jess’s Liked Places.

18. Bhumi Cozinha Orgânica

CLS 113 Bl. D, Lj. 33, Brasília, DF
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · 55 tips and reviews
Cinemark is one of Jess’s Liked Places.

19. Cinemark

Pier 21, Brasília, DF
Movie Theater · 336 tips and reviews
Dom Pedro Discos is one of Jess’s Liked Places.

20. Dom Pedro Discos

CLN 412 Bl. C, Lj. 20, Brasília, DF
Record Store · 7 tips and reviews
O Sushiman is one of Jess’s Liked Places.

21. O Sushiman

SAUS Qd. 3 Lt. C, Lj. 6 (Ed. Business Point), Brasília, DF
Sushi Restaurant · 4 tips and reviews
Ernesto Cafés Especiais is one of Jess’s Liked Places.

22. Ernesto Cafés Especiais

CLS 115 Bl. C, Lj. 14, Brasília, DF
Café · Asa Sul · 391 tips and reviews

Jess R.Jess Rippel: O atendimento que recebi foi péssimo, incluindo demora para limpar a mesa, má vontade, pedidos que vieram trocados, talheres caindo no trajeto balcão-mesa e ainda faltava grande parte das sobremesas.

Parque Vivencial II do Lago Norte is one of Jess’s Liked Places.

23. Parque Vivencial II do Lago Norte

SHIN QL 2, Brasília, DF
Park · Lago Norte · 9 tips and reviews

Jess R.Jess Rippel: Meio decadente, mas é o melhor parque para quem gosta de plantas! Parece que se sai do Cerrado e vai para a Mata Atlântica! Lindo demais!

Nossa Cozinha Bistrô is one of Jess’s Liked Places.

24. Nossa Cozinha Bistrô

CLN 402 Bl. C, Lj. 60, Brasília, DF
Bistro · 162 tips and reviews
Villa Tevere is one of Jess’s Liked Places.

25. Villa Tevere

CLS 115 Bl. A, Lj. 12, Brasília, DF
Italian Restaurant · Asa Sul · 236 tips and reviews
Parque das Garças is one of Jess’s Liked Places.

26. Parque das Garças

SHIN QI 15, Brasília, DF
Park · 12 tips and reviews
Comunhão Espírita de Brasília is one of Jess’s Liked Places.

27. Comunhão Espírita de Brasília

SGAS 604, Lt. 28, Brasília, DF
Spiritual Center · 59 tips and reviews
Arktetonicos is one of Jess’s Liked Places.

28. Arktetonicos

CLS 409 Bl. D Lj. 12, Brasília, DF
Gift Store · 1 tip
Flor de Lótus is one of Jess’s Liked Places.

29. Flor de Lótus

CLN 102 Bl. A, Lj. 48, Brasília, DF
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · 38 tips and reviews

Jess R.Jess Rippel: Lugar maravilhoso, comida deliciosa! Se pudesse, almoçava aqui todos os dias!

Pedra do Arpoador is one of Jess’s Liked Places.

30. Pedra do Arpoador

Pr. do Arpoador, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Scenic Lookout · Ipanema · 364 tips and reviews

Jess R.Jess Rippel: Vista linda e ainda tem, ai, os surfistas...