KEYTOURS | Your Key to unravel the fascination of Greece: This sacred rock with the ancient Greek temples rises above the centre of the city. The main entrance is from Dionysiou Areopagitou or from Theorias if you’re coming from Plaka.
KEYTOURS | Your Key to unravel the fascination of Greece: Olympic Stadium hosted the first modern Olympic Games in Athens in 1896. It was first built in 330 B.C. Take some pictures at thee great marbles!
Historic and Protected Site · Μακρυγιάννη · 105 tips and reviews
KEYTOURS | Your Key to unravel the fascination of Greece: A colossal ruined temple in the centre of Athens that was dedicated to Zeus, king of the Olympian gods. Begun in the 6th century BC.
KEYTOURS | Your Key to unravel the fascination of Greece: Feel like an Athenian by taking a stroll at the National Garden. Relax and enjoy a coffee there!
Historic and Protected Site · Ακρόπολη · 22 tips and reviews
KEYTOURS | Your Key to unravel the fascination of Greece: A building in the Ionic style, constructed between 421 and 405 BC. It took its name from a shrine dedicated to the legendary Greek hero Erichthonius.