You are warmly welcomedi, the chef is incredible and handsome, the music is chill and awesome during the day and festive during the night. They even sell local fresh beers, and Fischer beer!
At the Psiri area in the heart of Athens, there is a small road called Melanthiou street. This street transformed, the last few years, from a drugs area to a cyclists’ joint. One of the pioneers of ..
This place DOES NOT SERVE FOOD. I took a taxi specifically to have a veganfriendlybrunch, and was greeted with a rather unpleasant smell, no lights on and news that they don't serve food anymore :/
αν είσαι hipster,it is a place to be!😜 Ένα cycling cafe xωμένο στα στενά του ψυρρή,θυμίζει κάτι από γειτονιά άμστερνταμ ή βερολίνου!ευγενικό προσωπικό,ποιότητα και αρκετά χαμηλές τιμές!βάλτο 'saved'
Να πίνεις διπλό εσπρέσο Lucaffe μόνο με 1,80 συνοδεία ωραίας μουσικής σε ένα υπέροχο περιβάλλον και δίπλα σου να κάθονται πρωταγωνιστές από ταινίες του Λάνθιμου, αξία ανεκτίμητη...
A lovely little English-style café offering delicious food (including a vegan menu) until 5pm, and serving drinks till late. Winter evening menu now available.