Hotel Vega

Hotel Vega

  • Tips
    Hotel Vega
    "Not the most recent, but equally amazing: Vega Vintage Beach"(3 Tips)
    Bubu R.
    "Very professional people and an amazing hotel"(2 Tips)
    Bianca N.
    "Breakfast is very good and the view from last floor is breathtaking."(3 Tips)
    Hotel Vega
    "our beautiful sky bar"(7 Tips)
Tips and Reviews icon50 Tips and reviews
  • vega vintage beach
  • professional people
  • scenic views
  • breakfast food
  • books
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  • Bianca N.heart icon on user image
    Bianca N.November 19, 2016
    They hired professional people and they really do a good job maintaining the hotel. Breakfast is very good and the view from last floor is breathtaking. Worth it every moment. 👍🏼
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaOctober 21, 2014
    Ever since we started to provide Molton Brown bath & body products in all the rooms of the Vega Hotel, which are blended in England with the finest ingredients, we've had wonderful feedback.
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaDecember 23, 2014
    Our adorable ginger bread house is a serious threat to our constraint. We are a bit worried we might eat it before everyone can see it!
  • Emi M.
    Emi McNairSeptember 22, 2018
    Best beach and hotel in town, by far 🏖 I recommend it
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaNovember 27, 2013
    Our sailing ship,, has its own model and it is beautifully crafted to the last detail. Look for it in the lobby!
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaJuly 2, 2014
    There's no better way to celebrate summer than a 4th of July theme party. Come along and join us on Vega Vintage Beach on Friday!
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaJune 9, 2014
    A trecut ceva timp de la un rasarit impartasit cu voi. Bine-ai venit, iunie! It's been a while since we've shared a sunrise with you. Welcome, June!
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaOctober 31, 2014
    Join us tonight for the Halloween Party in our beautiful sky bar, the Violet Lounge!
  • Alex F.
    Alex FilipJune 16, 2013
    Been here 5+ times
    Vega Vintage Beach is absolutely amazing! You should try a cocktail here.
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaSeptember 25, 2013
    Great depiction of Hotel Vega's 5th anniversary party :) Thank you for sharing your art project with us, Alex & Monica!
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaDecember 23, 2014
    Happy holidays from the Vega Hotel team! May you have a Christmas raffle as funny as ours!
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaDecember 12, 2014
    Cand in sfarsit iese soarele dupa o luna... si marea zambeste :) Copyright & more photos‬: Constanta City Walking Guide
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaMay 18, 2015
    The 2015 flag is here! Proud to have the only Blue Flag certified beach in Romania since 2006:
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaAugust 18, 2012
    We're super excited to have Directia 5 as our guests for the 3rd time this summer! Looking forward to tonight's Electric Love Story concert!
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaDecember 25, 2013
    Our dear past and future guests, we wish you and your families the warmest Christmas, a Merry Christmas!
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaJune 29, 2015
    Don't you miss this? Time to come to ‪‎Mamaia‬! Book your room at Hotel Vega: /
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaOctober 21, 2014
    Love is in the air at the Violet Lounge! Have you ever seen Mamaia, Constanta, Romania from our sky bar? Copyright: Alex Caranfil
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaDecember 29, 2014
    Wishing you all the Hope, Wonder and Joy that holidays can bring!
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaJune 30, 2015
    Not the most recent, but equally amazing: Vega Vintage Beach
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaApril 2, 2015
    The sun is making its presence felt more and more at Hotel Vega. Welcome, spring!
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaApril 26, 2013
    What do you make of this morning's 7AM sunrise? This is the view one has from our new Senior Suite :)
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaDecember 10, 2014
    Getting into the holidays spirit.. We're almost through decorating the Vega Hotel. How are you doing?
  • Bubu R.heart icon on user image
    Bubu RuzaMay 8, 2015
    Very professional people and an amazing hotel
  • Geninna A.
    Geninna A.September 19, 2016
    Check if the jacuzzi is clean before hopping in. It was very, very dirty with dead skin cells floating.
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaNovember 6, 2014
    How did you have fun with the Halloween decorations this year?
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaApril 16, 2014
    Rasarit superb in Mamaia la Hotel Vega
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaSeptember 17, 2013
    Beautiful September morning in Mamaia :)
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaJanuary 1, 2014
    Welcome, 2014! Happy New Year, everyone!!
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaMay 1, 2015
    And it's finally here! ‪#‎1Mai‬ ‪#‎Mamaia‬
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaMay 5, 2013
    Happy Easter with your loved ones!
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaApril 30, 2013
    Who doesn't love a reddish sunrise? :)
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaJuly 1, 2013
    What better way to wish you a great week?
  • murat b.heart icon on user image
    murat b.March 31, 2015
    Nice view,good location
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaApril 28, 2013
    This morning's sunrise :)
  • Catalin C.
    Catalin ConstantinAugust 31, 2014
    Been here 5+ times
    Too small rooms for a 5 star. Top bar does not serve wine by the glass. Never had this in another 5 star hotel bar.
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaDecember 29, 2014
    A warm Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaSeptember 19, 2013
    Do you miss summer already? 8->
  • Beatricess D.heart icon on user image
    Beatricess DumitrescuJuly 15, 2012
    Been here 5+ times
    The best hotel in 2012 !!! ❤
  • ANDY C.
    ANDY CHANGOctober 28, 2010
    Best hotel for your summer vacation in Mamaia
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaAugust 18, 2015
    Ai vazut noul nostru restaurant, ‪Shanti‬ by Hotel Vega? Afla povestea Shanti si lasa-te suprins de un nou concept de restaurant in ‪‎Mamaia‬: In imagine: Robata Symphony
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaAugust 7, 2015
    Restaurant Shanti si-a primit primii oaspeti. De maine poate fi locul tau de intalnire cu prietenii sau persoana iubita. Afla povestea Shanti‬:
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaAugust 21, 2013
    Rezervarile la concertul Proconsul de vineri, 23 august se fac la numarul de telefon 0725402942. Proconsul si Vega va asteapta cu drag la concertul de lansare al noului album Proconsul, No matter what
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaNovember 27, 2014
    Va asteptam cu drag la malul marii sa petreceti de Revelion mai multe momente speciale alaturi de Proconsul, Laura Lavric si Vega Band:
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaDecember 28, 2013
    Craciunul a trecut, dar ofertele continua de Sarbatori: toate serviciile de ingrijire si infrumusetare au preturi promotionale pana pe 2 ianuarie 2014 la Tulip Beauty & Spa Rituals! Read more
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaMarch 1, 2014
    1 Martie anunta atat de multe: martisorul, venirea primaverii si nu in ultimul rand, luna femeii, ocazie cu care va invitam sa va rasfatati in centrul nostru, Tulip Beauty & Spa Rituals.
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaApril 30, 2015
    A mai ramas o zi pana la prima noastra iesire pe mare a velierului nostru, Adornate! Rezervari si bilete: Guest Relations - Hotel Vega
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaJuly 11, 2014
    Suntem incantati ca sambata seara ne bucuram de vocea si prezenta ei. Concertul Paula Seling va avea loc pe terasa restaurantului Akolade. Va asteptam si pe voi!
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaJune 13, 2014
    Dupa muuuulte luni, proiectul de reabilitare al statiunii Mamaia incepe sa capete contur. Speram ca din iulie sa gasiti promenada gata de plimbari, ciclism si de ce nu, admirat :)
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaSeptember 3, 2013
    Avem o veste foarte buna pentru participantii de la Triathlon Challenge Mamaia. Vega este partener oficial al evenimentului, iar oferta speciala de cazare poate fi consultata la urmatorul link: Read more
  • Hotel Vega
    Hotel VegaAugust 22, 2014
    Vacanta dumneavoastra la mare devine si mai frumoasa cu bijuteriile Helvetansa! Le puteti gasi la Vega Fashion Boutique. Pentru oaspetii hotelului, Helvetansa ofera un discount de 10% in august!
Photos215 Photos