I did not like this place. For one, a lot of items on the shelves were either mixed up or knocked over. Also, a man was spraying a hose on the shelf where seafood is normally kept. It was kinda gross.
I highly recommend you to not shop alone at this HEB, to many rude people and do not leave your kids in the car; to many homeless, crazy whatnot people on this side of town.
Don't know why people have to bitch about others using food stamps or whatever government assistance they may NEED. Its not like there taking away from the things we need. SMH!
H-E-B has been preparing for COVID-19 and we continue to make changes and work diligently to help our customers get the food and supplies they need. We encourage preparedness, not stockpiling, so please buy what you need and leave some for your neighbors. At H-E-B plus!...