HISTORY UK: ‘Soho’ is thought to come from the hunting and battle cry of the Duke of Monmouth, a local landlord. He used it at the Battle of Sedgemoor where he was defeated in 1685, and later executed.
HISTORY UK: In his diary for 1662 Samuel Pepys makes the first written record of a Punch and Judy show in Britain, by an Italian puppet showman. It was performed under the east portico of St.Paul’s Church
Great Russell St (btwn Montague & Bloomsbury St), London, Greater London
History Museum · Bloomsbury · 1007 tips and reviews
HISTORY UK: The British Museum began from the collection of naturalist Sir Hans Sloane which he left to the nation on his death in 1753. Now it houses 7 million objects including more than 100 Egyptian mummies.
Teşvikiye Mah. Teşvikiye Cad. No:12, Şişli, İstanbul
Shopping Mall · 996 tips and reviews
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