Gabriel’s Liked Places

1. Padaria Olimpia

Serra, ES
Bakery · 4 tips and reviews

Gabriel M.Gabriel Messias: Melhor pão da região

Padaria & Restaurante Colombo is one of Gabriel’s Liked Places.

2. Padaria & Restaurante Colombo

Av. José Rato, s/n (Bairro de Fátima), Serra, ES
Bakery · 6 tips and reviews
Shopping Mestre Álvaro is one of Gabriel’s Liked Places.

3. Shopping Mestre Álvaro

Av. João Palácios, 300, Serra, ES
Shopping Mall · Eurico Salles · 171 tips and reviews
Ilha dos Bentos is one of Gabriel’s Liked Places.

4. Ilha dos Bentos

Vila Velha, ES
Neighborhood · 4 tips and reviews
Multimarket is one of Gabriel’s Liked Places.

5. Multimarket

Vila Velha, ES
Grocery Store · 3 tips and reviews

Gabriel M.Gabriel Messias: Preços altos demais. Mas na correria do dia acabamos indo.

Shopping Vitória is one of Gabriel’s Liked Places.

6. Shopping Vitória

Av. Américo Buaiz, 200, Vitória, ES
Shopping Mall · 322 tips and reviews

Gabriel M.Gabriel Messias: O melhor sempre encontramos algo de bom

Terminal Transcol de Vila Velha is one of Gabriel’s Liked Places.

7. Terminal Transcol de Vila Velha

Av. Luciano das Neves (Centro), Vila Velha, ES
Bus Station · 69 tips and reviews
Carone is one of Gabriel’s Liked Places.

8. Carone

R. Itaiabaia, 40, Vila Velha, ES
Supermarket · Coqueiral de Itaparica · 12 tips and reviews
Clínica Coqueiral is one of Gabriel’s Liked Places.

9. Clínica Coqueiral

Vila Velha, ES
Doctor's Office · 1 tip
Vila Nova is one of Gabriel’s Liked Places.

10. Vila Nova

Vila Velha, ES
Neighborhood · 8 tips and reviews
Shopping Praia da Costa is one of Gabriel’s Liked Places.

11. Shopping Praia da Costa

Av. Dr. Olívio Lira, 353, Vila Velha, ES
Shopping Mall · 208 tips and reviews
Bar Maranga's is one of Gabriel’s Liked Places.

12. Bar Maranga's

Av. Sérgio Cardoso, Vila Velha, ES
Bar · 11 tips and reviews

Gabriel M.Gabriel Messias: O caldo de lagosta com aquela cerveja bem gelada.

Gallegão is one of Gabriel’s Liked Places.

13. Gallegão

Vila Velha, ES
Diner · 19 tips and reviews
Praça de Jardim Colorado is one of Gabriel’s Liked Places.

14. Praça de Jardim Colorado

Vila Velha, ES
Plaza · 8 tips and reviews
Praia de Itaparica is one of Gabriel’s Liked Places.

15. Praia de Itaparica

Av. Estudante José Júlio de Souza, Vila Velha, ES
Beach · 128 tips and reviews
Praça de Gaivotas is one of Gabriel’s Liked Places.

16. Praça de Gaivotas

Av. Cel. Pedro Maia de Carvalho, Vila Velha, ES
Plaza · 30 tips and reviews
Idalina Salgados is one of Gabriel’s Liked Places.

17. Idalina Salgados

Rua das Uvas Nº28, Vila Velha, ES
Snack Place · 2 tips and reviews

Gabriel M.Gabriel Messias: Salgadinhos fritos ou congelados para sua festa, reunião da empresa, encontro com os amigos.

Churrasco do Alex is one of Gabriel’s Liked Places.

18. Churrasco do Alex

Novo México, Vila Velha, ES
Bar · 6 tips and reviews
Santuário do Rosário de Nossa Senhora de Fátima is one of Gabriel’s Liked Places.

19. Santuário do Rosário de Nossa Senhora de Fátima

Av. José Rato, 451 (R. Maria Delunardo Trancoso), Serra, ES
Church · 3 tips and reviews
Eurico de Aguiar Salles Airport is one of Gabriel’s Liked Places.

20. Eurico de Aguiar Salles Airport

(Aeroporto de Vitória / Eurico de Aguiar Salles (VIX))
Av. Fernando Ferrari, S/N, Vitória, ES
Airport · 932 tips and reviews
Sorveteria Quero Mais is one of Gabriel’s Liked Places.

21. Sorveteria Quero Mais

Av. Leila Diniz - Novo Mexico (R. Bananeiras), Vila Velha, ES
Ice Cream Parlor · 5 tips and reviews
Shopping Norte Sul is one of Gabriel’s Liked Places.

22. Shopping Norte Sul

Av. José Maria Vivacqua Santos, 400, Vitória, ES
Shopping Mall · 56 tips and reviews