Hin und weg

1. Copenhagen Airport (CPH)

(Københavns Lufthavn)
Lufthavnsboulevarden 6, Kastrup, Region Hovedstaden
International Airport · Amager · 941 tips and reviews

LufthansaLufthansa: No European metropolis is as "hyggelig" - in other words, friendly, cozy, pretty - as Copenhagen. Let yourself be guided by the LH travel report and experience Copenhagen from its most exciting side! Read more.

2. Schusters Strandbar

Seepromenade 1, Warnemünde / Rostock
Cocktail Bar · 16 tips and reviews
Couch Club is one of Hin und weg.

4. Couch Club

Klenzestr. 89, München, Bayern
Bar · Glockenbach · 27 tips and reviews

Alex S.Alex Schwarz: Über 100 Sorten Gin im Sortiment... Abgerundet von 7 vers. Tonics...

Landwehrkanal is one of Hin und weg.

5. Landwehrkanal

Berlin, Berlin
Canal · Urban · 21 tips and reviews