Because floatation is relatively unknown & somewhat "mysterious" it is good to have an idea of what the process for the first float will be like in order to set a nervous mind at ease. Although each float is unique, there are some commonalties that may help to know beforehand. Simply arrive at float matrix at the time of the appointment or a few minutes before. You are not required to bring anything except possibly an open mind. If the front door is locked, simply dial float matrix on the directory & we will let you in. Walk back to the elevator, go down to the lower level, & follow the signs to float matrix. When you arrive, you will receive an intake form to fill out. When this is finished, the orientation will begin. The orientation starts in the showering room where you will be informed on what to do before your float. After the showering room, you will be led to the floatation room & shown a floatation pod. Here we will go over all the things you need to know about your float & will give you the opportunity to ask any & all questions until you feel confident w/ floating. If you have scheduled other services such as the infrared sauna or brainpaint, these will, in most circumstances, take place before your float. After the orientation, you will begin the process by showering & then making your way to the float pod. The first float is almost always the "hardest" float. What sets floatation apart from any other technique is that it allows the mind to "let go", but this can take a while in the first float because there are so many unknowns. A typical first float will begin by entering the float pod & choosing to close the door or leave it propped open as shown in the orientation. Next a person will lay back & turn off the light. At this point, most people become intrigued at how easy it is to float & how pleasant the feeling is & will usually bounce around in the float pod for a few minutes before settling in. The next stage tends to be difficult. This is when someone has bounced around for a while, has settled in, & realizes that there is nothing to do. A person will usually get fidgety & restless. During the orientation we will go over how to best allow yourself to relax which is simply by focusing on your breath. So during this time of feeling restless, simply feeling the breath will help you to relax easier. This period seems to last the longest as one becomes very aware of the tension they are holding & how much the mind races w/ this tension in the body. As one becomes more & more comfortable w/ themselves, they will slowly give themselves permission to let go. As one begins to let go, they don't necessarily notice that they have let go. It is usually in coming back, sometimes w/ a startle, that they realize that they let go. Also they are more comfortable w/ "being back" as much of the tension releases when they let go so the mind slows & the peace begins to settle in. Most people will encounter a period of shifting in-between the state of letting go & coming back & it will be experienced as a sort of "fluttering" between waking & sleeping. This is the most common sign that the brainwave pattern has moved into "theta". During this theta-state, a person's thought process will be dreamy. Organizing thoughts in the normal way is diminished & a less rigid thought process takes over. It is also during this period that people will begin dreaming while awake. This is the famous "hallucinations" that people have while floating. They simply witness dreaming in their awakened state. This period will usually last most of the rest of the float. When the 1-hour mark is nearing, a person will often sense that their time is coming to an end & "letting go" can prove to be difficult as their intellect & rigid thinking process becomes active again. It is during this period that simply breathing & reflecting on what they have experienced is good. When the hour is up, we will turn on the light & softly tap on the side in case you have fallen asleep. When you are ready, simply sit up keeping your head slightly back so that the salt doesn't enter your eyes, open the door, & exit. This is usually a good time to take your washcloth & wipe your forehead to keep the salt out of your eyes. Place your robe around you & walk to the shower room to rinse off. It is often during the shower that people will begin to notice their relaxation. Relaxation in a float pod is different than a massage & sometimes it takes a little time before someone settles in to how they feel. When you are finished showering, you will enter the reception & have access to water, tea, & some granola in case you are thirsty or hungry. As relaxation flushes stress hormones, people's digestion becomes active again & hunger tends to be prevalent after a float. After this you make take care of payment, set up your next float, & be on your happy way. And that is a typical first float
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Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate)
Magnesium is the second-most abundant element in human cells & the fourth-most important positively charged ion in the body, so it’s little wonder that this low-profile mineral is also vital to good health & wellbeing. Magnesium is a major component of epsom salt & also helps to regulate the activity of more than 325 enzymes & performs a vital role in orchestrating many bodily functions, from muscle control & electrical impulses to energy production & the elimination of harmful toxins. Studies show that magnesium is an electrolyte which helps to ensure proper muscle, nerve & enzyme function & is critical for the proper use of calcium in cells. Another benefit is that it can help prevent heart disease & strokes by lowering blood pressure, protecting the elasticity of arteries, preventing blood clots, & reducing the risk of sudden heart attack deaths. Magnesium may also reduce inflammation & relieve pain, making it beneficial in the treatment of sore muscles, bronchial asthma, migraine headaches & fibromyalgia. Although magnesium can be absorbed through the digestive tract, many foods, drugs & medical conditions can interfere w/ the effectiveness of this delivery method. Therefore, soaking in an epsom salts is one of the most effective means of making the magnesium your body needs readily available. Epsom salt also delivers sulfates, which medical research indicates are needed for the formation of brain tissue, joint proteins & the mucin proteins that line the wall of the digestive tract. Studies show that sulfates also stimulate the pancreas to generate digestive enzymes & help to detoxify the body’s residue of medicines & environmental contaminants. Studies indicate that sulfates are difficult to absorb from food, but are readily absorbed through the skin. Studies show these benefits from the major components of epsom salt may
The Floating Body
The gentle de-stimulation of large areas of the nervous system triggers a spontaneous chain reaction throughout the body known as the parasympathetic response. Muscle tension, blood pressure, heart rate & oxygen consumption all drop dramatically. The whole chemistry of the body changes. Blood vessels including capillaries dilate, improving cardiovascular efficiency & increasing the supply of oxygen & nutrients to every single cell in your body. This is called the vasodilatory effect. People who lead demanding lifestyles run the risk of developing high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. This disease has no symptoms, but eventually manifests itself in the form of strokes, heart attacks & arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) - all potential killers. Floating can produce an immediate reduction in blood pressure & heart rate; regular floating may maintain this. Apart from being the ultimate "stress buster", floating has been shown to alleviate asthma, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, gastrointestinal & cardiovascular disorders. Tension related problems such as migraine, back-ache & insomnia helped enormously. Stress related chemicals such as adrenaline, cortisol, acth & lactate are removed from the bloodstream & replaced by beneficial endorphins. High levels of cortisol & acth are known to weaken the body's immune system & create feelings of depression, while lower baseline levels are associated w/ feelings of confidence. These biochemical changes occur naturally & spontaneously as by-products of deep sensory relaxation. No training or techniques are required. Just lie back & let it happen
R.E.S.T. Floating
Restricted environmental stimulation technique (r.E.S.T. ) Is the name given to the phenomenon that occurs within the body in the absence of sensory stimulus. It is in this state that the body & mind system frees up 90% of its resources & directs them according to each individuals needs. "If you want a hot cup of tea, first pour out the lukewarm water. " - Chinese proverb a rest float is simply relaxing without anything to do or think about. It is much like pouring out the lukewarm water. Each of us has a direction & a momentum that we have generated & if we don't change the direction we are going, we are bound to end up where we are headed. During a rest float you effortlessly clear that momentum so you can have a fresh start. Part of this process of "emptying the cup is allowing the body to process information backed up in the system. This backed up information is experienced as stress. There is a tendency, in the absence stimulus, to perceive this process. Those that code primarily visually, will tend to witness dreams as their subconscious feeds them information. Some hear their subconscious while others feel it. This is the aspect of receiving information. This information does not require any acting upon, the body itself is already processing, & the conscious mind is simply observing. Occasionally people w/ be struck w/ a great insight as the body works through the information. Rest floats are recommend for the first three floats. After the first three floats are completed within a shorter period of time (approximately 1 month) the proverbial cup will be emptied & can then be filled w/ anything that you desire. Filling the cup is the intention of a program float
How Floating Works
Scientists estimate that up to 90% of the brain's normal workload is caused by the effects of gravity on muscles & the nervous system as well as sensory stimuli that needs to be processed. The float pods screen out these external physical stimuli, creating a pure state of "sensory" relaxation. Under these unique conditions your body has a chance to restore its natural powers of self regulation, while you simply lie back & re-discover the latent abilities of a deeply relaxed mind. The temperature inside the pod is kept at a constant 94 degrees f - relaxed skin temperature. As a result, the nerve endings which cover the surface of the skin no longer perceive any sense of separation between the skin & the silky mineral solution which surrounds it & gives the person the experience of floating weightless in space. In the tranquility of the pod, the boundaries of your body seem to dissolve & vanish. As you enter progressively deeper levels of relaxation, your body seems to "disappear" from conscious awareness. Free from all external stimulation, you can achieve a state of relaxation which is deeper, purer & more beneficial than sleep. With this pure state of relaxation creativity, efficieny, & productivity are all greatly enhance while remaining calm & collected
Magnesium: Ease Stress & Improves Sleep & Concentration
Help muscles & nerves function properly regulate activity of 325+ enzymes· help prevent artery hardening & blood clots· make insulin more effective· reduce inflammation to relieve pain & muscle cramp· improve oxygen use sulfate:· flush toxins· improve absorption of nutrients· help form joint proteins, brain tissue & mucin proteins· help prevent or ease migraine headache excerpt from epsom salt council
The Floating Mind
Although your body enters a level of physical relaxation which is even deeper than sleep, in the tank your mind remains awake & dreamily alert, just above the threshold of sleep large areas of the brain are suddenly liberated from their normal workload of processing signals from the nervous system & sense organs. There is a sharp drop in the level of electrical activity of the brain (measured on an eeg) from the usual 20-25 hz down to 4-8 hz. ; Eeg readings show a slow, rhythmic wave pattern known as the theta state. This is where your learning abilities are at their highest & powers of visualization & auto-suggestion are greatly enhanced. Measurements of the brain waves produced by experienced zen meditators in deep satori show large amounts of theta activity across the cortex. For most people, however, the theta state is almost impossible to enter without falling asleep. In the tank you enter this elusive state effortlessly & enjoyably, & stay in it for most of the float session. Time seems to vanish. Eeg measurements on floaters show that the level of activity in the two hemispheres of the brain also becomes more balanced & synchronized. This can produce a subtle shift in awareness away from the normally dominant "left-brain" thought patterns (logical, linear, analytical, detailed) towards the more intuitive, synthetic & large-scale thought modes of the "right-brain". The tank does not inhibit the left hemisphere, but simply changes its role from one of dominance to one of partnership w/ the other hemisphere, enabling floaters to use all their mental powers
Program Floating
Program floating is an adjunct to rest floating. Once a person has completed at least 3 rest floats within a short period of time (approximately 1 month) , they will have cleared away much of the patterns that they are seeking relief from. When in a clear state, they can then begin the process of intentionally filling the space w/ what it is that they desire experiencing in their lives. "Only a new habit can replace an old habit. " - Og mandino when one floats, they go into the deepest relaxation that has ever been researched. This state is much deeper than a facilitated hypnosis & yet one remains conscious in a dream-like state. While in this state one has direct access to their subconscious mind & can begin imprinting themselves w/ programs that benefit their life experience. Due to the total relaxation, these imprints set at a cellular level & quickly become patterned. The programs can be in the form of mantras, self-suggestions, guided meditations, personal growth programs & even pre-recorded hypnosis. Because the nature of relaxation is allowing the intellectual parts of the thinking mind to rest, it is important to know that anything that you hear will activate this part of the mind. We, therefore, recommend that you use guided programs created w/ audio technologies to keep the mind in this released state. We provide a library of personal growth programs that include hemi-sync, holosync, & learning strategies corporation. Visualizations are highly recommended for those looking to better their specialized skills. Entertainers will visualize their performance as perfected. The subconscious mind cannot differentiate the difference between what is imagined & what is really experienced. When a performance is visualized in this manner, the subconscious mind thinks that it has already been accomplished & therefore when performance time comes, seeds of doubt are replaced w/ feelings of confidence. Super-learning is also a fascinating aspect of program floating. When one is completely relaxed, information is not only obtained more efficiently, but is more easily organized & remembered. If you have an important exam approaching, floating is a wonderful tool, to ease the anxiety & increase your test scores
Sonic Massage
Sonic Massage Details
The Sonic Massage (aka Vibroacoustic Therapy, Acoustic Massage, Psychoacoustics) is a most wonderful experience. Simply lie on our custom built sound tables & allow the music to bathe the body in the soothing frequencies designed to bring you into a perfect state of peace. Sound has been used for thousands of years for healing & transformation. From the chanting of the Gregorian cathedrals to the hum of the didgeridoo. From the rhythms of the tribal drums to the singing bowls & gongs of Tibet, sound has been the center of many forms of therapy. Music is a language, but not that of the intellect. Music is the language of the body & the body responds to it dramatically. It is the carrier of information & the music crafted for the sound tables informs the body to release tension & be in a state of relaxation. If you have ever watched a movie without sound, you will undoubtedly know the power of music. It creates a state of suspense, or release. It induces moods of joy, suspicion, anxiety, or even "carefreeness". Music informs us without the need for us to think. We tend to think of music as simply sound or "vibrations" but this is far too simplistic. Music has tangible form. Cymatics is the study of this form. When music is played on a flat surface, that surface will create patterns which are seen w/ the use of liquids or small particles such as salt. When the tones change, the pattern changes as well. This altering of the tone is experienced on the sound tables as different qualities of vibration. Some tones feel like water running through the body, some tones feel like pulsations in the body, while others feels like compressions. As we move through the different tones, the body receives the benefits of all the different forms of sound. Try it for yourself. Come & experience sound through your body
Infrared Sauna
Infrared Sauna Details
Excerpts taken from "The Science of Far Infrared Therapies" by Dr Toshiko Yamazaki, MD on Toxin Removal "One of the reasons FIR has beneficial results in a variety of illnesses is the ability of FIR waves to remove toxins which are often at the core of many health problems. Toxins in our body appear in water as clumps or globules. Blood circulation becomes blocked & cellular energy impaired where these toxins accumulate. However, when the energy from FIR is applied to water molecules containing toxins, the water begins to vibrate, releasing the encapsulated gases & other toxic materials back into the bloodstream where they are removed naturally by the body's normal detoxification process. One study done by American researchers showed that the sweat released by users of a FIR sauna (80-85% water) was different from the sweat released by users of a conventional sauna (85-95% water) . The non-water portion of sweat released in a FIR sauna was cholesterol, fat-soluble toxins, toxic heavy metals, sulphuric acid, sodium, ammonia & uric acid". Excerpts from "Warming Up to Far Infrared" by D.J. Fletcher - Alternative Medicine Magazine. Traditionally our daily dose of infrared comes from sunlight, which is composed of all the energy wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum but today we're seeing new technologies employing far-infrared energy in healthcare products & in clinical protocols such as hypothermic therapies for detoxification & cancer treatment. Energy medicine is very old, too - at least as old as the first Qigong masters & other ancient practitioners of healing touch therapies. These healers all had in common the ability to emit energy through their hands, & so do many modern day healers, such as Dolores Krieger, Ph.D., R.N., who began teaching healing touch techniques in the U.S. in the 1970s. Contemporary researchers have now proved that these forms of energy medicine use wavelengths in the infrared range. In a study at the National Yang-Ming Medical College in Taipei, Taiwan, published in the American Journal of Chinese Medicine in 1991, researchers measured the energy Qigong masters emit from their palms. The researchers employed electronic detection equipment but were also able to detect infrared energy by a rise in air temperature near the masters' palms. The study showed that emitted infrared Qi, or Chi (pronounced "chee" & essentially meaning energy in Traditional Chinese Medicine) , has positive effects on human fibroblasts, the cells that rebuild connective tissue. The study also showed that infrared Chi stimulated a significant increase in cell growth, DNA synthesis & protein synthesis in cells
Infrared VS. Steam
The traditional sauna was invented in Finland in the 5th Century A.D. It uses a heating element & water poured over it to create steam. This steam heats the skin & respiratory system. More recently, scientists discovered the healing benefits of far infrared light & saunas were designed to use the infrared light to heat the body as opposed to steam. One of the main differences between an infrared sauna & a traditional steam sauna is the temperature of the sauna. A steam sauna operates between 180°f & 220°f whereas the infrared sauna operates between 110°f & 150°f. This difference in temperature of up to 110°f has proven to be favorable to the infrared sauna as it drastically reduces the dangers of over-heating. The greatest reward of the lower temperature is that a person can remain in the sauna longer & receive more of the healing benefits. The reduction in heat does not make the infrared sauna any less effective. In fact, it has been found that a person will sweat more toxins in a lower temperature infrared sauna than a higher temperate steam sauna. Another difference in the use of infrared light over steam is that it penetrates the skin up to 10 times deeper than steam can. Steam simply hits the skin & transfers the heat to the outer layers of the skin. Infrared light penetrates the body up to 2 inches where the light converts to radiant heat & exhibits far greater detoxification attributes. The deep penetration has many positive effects including, melting fatty acids, cholesterols, & saturated fats which increases the elasticity of arteries making it so that the heart doesn't have to over-exert itself in regulating blood circulation. Some of the other benefits that an infrared sauna has over a steam sauna is that it has the ability to reduce inflammation in joints, help regenerate damaged tissues, increases metabolism, & increase core temperature which is helpful to the immune system by weakening & killing cancers cells, bacteria, & viruses that are all susceptible to heat
Floatation Packages
Introductory Package
Buy 2 get one free
Couples/Friends Float
Same time, different pods
3-Float Package
1-hr, non-introductory
Ir Sauna Packages
3 Session Package
3 60-min sessions
10 Session Package
10 60-min sessions
Combo Packages
Stress Eliminator Package
30-minute ir sauna 60-min float
Couples / Friends Stress Eliminator
2 stress eliminators, same time
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