Do you want some free beer? Yes! You can. Enjoy our Buy 2 get 1 free and have an awesome time with your friends. Sip & Dip is now open to serve you. (Strictly for Adults only)#beerfest #awesome
Good place for a short stay. Big, clean rooms with audio system(!), kitchen, but without slipper. At 1st floor placed conventionalrestaurant, when you can order shisha the same.
Staff very cooperative, hotelclean, neat. Good furniture quantity. It covers all the basics and gives some pluses like audio system. I miss a charger deck for mobiles but all they offer is enough.
Nice, clean and big servedapartments in alseef area . It is only 3-5 min to shopping malls (alseef and city center) don't take any apartment with pool view .. it is too noisy.
This hotel and its staff never fail to make you feel at home away from home. Yes, you could always find some things that they could do better but those are really minimal. They deserve to be praised.
أفضل خيار بالنسبة لي في المنامة، الاستديو واسع وجميل والأثاث حلو ومرتب ويوجد مطبخ بكل أجهزته وواي فاي خاص بكل غرفة. عيبهم الوحيد المواقف صغيرة وضيقة جداً.