DK Riyani: Need extra sugar for extra energy while you work hard 🍭🍫🍬 they have also lots of healthy snack like fruits or non healthy like chips, chocolates, etc
Tervuurselaan 294 Avenue de Tervueren, St-Pieters-Woluwe-St-Pierre
Embassy or Consulate · Gribaumont · 2 tips and reviews
DK Riyani: Buat yg mau ke KBRI Brussels dari station central / Midi, ambil metro sampe montgomery. terus naik TRAM 39-Stokkel / 44-Tervuren => cuma 4 halte kalo ga salah, turun di halte Groene Hond (Chien Vert)
DK Riyani: Flowers like roses are always gorgeous and an extra big sun flower make this late summer be a special day. Birthday gift for a special one 🌹🌻
DK Riyani: Fresh bread (ciabatta / baguette white or Brown) and sometimes nice today's menu like meatballs with rice or last time steak with pepper sauce plus Frieten 🍟. You can choose inside or the terrace!
DK Riyani: Big room for parents n 2teenagers, lovely view from our room and I loved the shower. I like the concept of these suite family room. Toilet has own small space. Then the bar or breakfast area are cool!