Gaz: By far the Best Fish & Chips up North. Probably Nationwide, I rate it that highly. Value for money is also amazing with Cod & Chips only Costing £4.30..... If you're in Brid make sure you come here.
Gaz: Remember that just because there are 99% students in here that it doesn't necessarily mean that you're one. I made this mistake and ended up in Uni, with a Huge loan, Bad dress sense & Always Drunk!!
Arra Luis: It feels so American to just BE and feel that FREEDOM of that everyday hard work that only YOU Yourself can appreciate !! Be free and enjoy life !! Have a drink or two for You !! Celebrate YOU!
Gaz: Great place if you Like reading and being Very very Quiet........ On the Flip side, a Great place if you Hate reading, Like making Noise and Love getting thrown out of places..... Enjoy it either way.
Gaz: When coming here, shed the unwanted pounds. Try going commando. The type of Commando that goes into Battle having left his clothes at home. Wish I'd done this, might not have gained a pound, then.
Fast Food Restaurant · Nether Edge · 2 tips and reviews
Gaz: This 1 should be named after the Class of Staff here, with their Tenacity to Failure, their Impeccable lack of understanding and their Resistance towards the Formidable Question "Could I have No Mayo"