Danielle’s Liked Places
John Bull is one of Danielle’s Liked Places.

1. John Bull

Av. das Rendeiras, 1046, Florianópolis, SC
Rock Club · Lagoa da Conceição, Florianópolis, SC · 102 tips and reviews
Maria de Fátima Cake Designer is one of Danielle’s Liked Places.

2. Maria de Fátima Cake Designer

SCRN 716 Bl. C, Lj. 30, Brasília, DF
Dessert Shop · 27 tips and reviews
A Tribo - Restaurante Natural is one of Danielle’s Liked Places.

3. A Tribo - Restaurante Natural

CLN 105 Bl. B, Lj. 52, Brasília, DF
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · Asa Norte · 43 tips and reviews
Maria Bonita Tapiocaria e Café is one of Danielle’s Liked Places.

4. Maria Bonita Tapiocaria e Café

CLSW 104 Bl. C, Lj. 8, Brasília, DF
Tapiocaria · Sudoeste · 51 tips and reviews
Dona is one of Danielle’s Liked Places.

5. Dona

CLSW 104 Bl. C, Subsolo, Brasília, DF
Supermarket · Sudoeste · 32 tips and reviews

Danielle P.Danielle Popov: Limpo, amplo, com boa variedade de frutas e verduras. É possível encontrar carne com preços bem acessíveis.

Pimenta Rosa - Bar e Restaurante is one of Danielle’s Liked Places.

6. Pimenta Rosa - Bar e Restaurante

Quarta Praia, Morro de São Paulo, BA
Seafood Restaurant · 52 tips and reviews

7. Kaebisch Schokoladen

CLSW 103 Bl. C, Lj. 64, Brasília, DF
Dessert Shop · 43 tips and reviews
Cia do Garfo is one of Danielle’s Liked Places.

8. Cia do Garfo

Venâncio 2000 (Térreo, Loja 135), Brasília, DF
Brazilian Restaurant · 9 tips and reviews
Parque Urbano Bosque do Sudoeste is one of Danielle’s Liked Places.

9. Parque Urbano Bosque do Sudoeste

SQSW 302/CCSW 2 (Sudoeste), Brasília, DF
Urban Park · 66 tips and reviews
ViraMundo Café is one of Danielle’s Liked Places.

10. ViraMundo Café

CLSW 105 Bl. C, Lj. 14, Brasília, DF
Café · 10 tips and reviews
Centro Clínico Norte II is one of Danielle’s Liked Places.

11. Centro Clínico Norte II

SHLN Bl. L, Brasília, DF
Medical Center · 6 tips and reviews
Fenicia is one of Danielle’s Liked Places.

12. Fenicia

carlos pellegrini 1061 (santa fe), Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires C.F.
Argentinian Restaurant · Retiro · 1 tip

Danielle P.Danielle Popov: Restaurante antigo, perfil familiar, pratos muito bem servidos, preço razoável.

Querido González is one of Danielle’s Liked Places.

13. Querido González

Honduras 4998 (esq. Jorge Luis Borges), Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires C.F.
Gastropub · Palermo Viejo · 111 tips and reviews
Brazilian American Burgers is one of Danielle’s Liked Places.

14. Brazilian American Burgers

CLSW 301 Bl. C, Lj. 98 (Dakota Shopping), Brasília, DF
Burger Joint · 281 tips and reviews

Danielle P.Danielle Popov: Hambúrguer saboroso, caseiro, cardápio enxuto. Preços razoáveis.

Restaurante Oiticica is one of Danielle’s Liked Places.

15. Restaurante Oiticica

Instituto Inhotim (Eixo Rosa), Brumadinho, MG
Buffet · Inhotim · 45 tips and reviews
CCBB - Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil is one of Danielle’s Liked Places.

16. CCBB - Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil

SCES Tr. 2, Lt. 22, Brasília, DF
Cultural Center · Setor de Clubes Esportivos Sul · 178 tips and reviews
Crêpe Royale is one of Danielle’s Liked Places.

17. Crêpe Royale

CLS 207 Bl. C, Lj. 37, Brasília, DF
Creperie · 111 tips and reviews
Vitamina Central is one of Danielle’s Liked Places.

18. Vitamina Central

CRS 506 Bl. A, Lj. 63, Brasília, DF
Juice Bar · Asa Sul · 200 tips and reviews
Vila Colonial Móveis e Restaurante is one of Danielle’s Liked Places.

19. Vila Colonial Móveis e Restaurante

CLS 112 Bl. C, Lj. 33, Brasília, DF
Brazilian Restaurant · 24 tips and reviews
Pães & Vinhos Gastronomia - Mercado Gourmet is one of Danielle’s Liked Places.

20. Pães & Vinhos Gastronomia - Mercado Gourmet

CLSW 303 Bl. A (Pães e Vinhos), Brasília, DF
Deli · Sudoeste · 21 tips and reviews
Kibe House is one of Danielle’s Liked Places.

21. Kibe House

Shopping Conjunto Nacional (Térreo, Loja 1), Brasília, DF
Middle Eastern Restaurant · Asa Norte · 59 tips and reviews
Sabor Glacé is one of Danielle’s Liked Places.

22. Sabor Glacé

Ed. Pq. Cidade Corporate (Pç. de Alimentação), Brasília, DF
Brazilian Restaurant · Asa Sul · 9 tips and reviews
Oficina do Sabor is one of Danielle’s Liked Places.

23. Oficina do Sabor

Brasília, DF
Brazilian Restaurant · 4 tips and reviews
Duoo Restaurante is one of Danielle’s Liked Places.

24. Duoo Restaurante

CLS 103 Bl. C, Lj. 36, Brasília, DF
Gluten-Free Restaurant · Asa Sul · 65 tips and reviews
Tróia Império Gastronômico is one of Danielle’s Liked Places.

25. Tróia Império Gastronômico

CLSW 103 Bl. B, Lj. 03 (Ed. Rhodes Center), Brasília, DF
Brazilian Restaurant · Sudoeste · 106 tips and reviews
Viena is one of Danielle’s Liked Places.

26. Viena

Pátio Brasil Shopping, Brasília, DF
Pizzeria · 32 tips and reviews
Oba Hortifruti is one of Danielle’s Liked Places.

27. Oba Hortifruti

CCSW 5 Bl. A, Lj.1 (Ed. Ômega Center), Brasília, DF
Fruit and Vegetable Store · 13 tips and reviews
Panificadora Delícia is one of Danielle’s Liked Places.

28. Panificadora Delícia

SHIS QI 13 Bl. H, Lj. 50, Brasília, DF
Bakery · 53 tips and reviews
Pastry is one of Danielle’s Liked Places.

29. Pastry

CLSW 301 Bl. C, Lj. 74, Brasília, DF
Uncategorized · 86 tips and reviews
Pão de Açúcar is one of Danielle’s Liked Places.

30. Pão de Açúcar

CCSW 6, Lj. 4/5 (Sudoeste), Brasília, DF
Supermarket · 130 tips and reviews