8 Photos
Coffee 8
Importing coffee from its birthplace, ethiopia, has become a particular art in the modern age of regulated commodities. Dallis bros. works closely with trusted pros within the country to help us access the best of the classic, red-berry, huge fruit coffees its growers are most known for, like this one we call ardi.
Ethiopia Kochere Yirgacheffe Single Origin Espresso
Ethiopia is known the world over for its beautiful coffee. Not only is it the birthplace of all arabica coffea (arabica) coffee, it is home to some of the most diverse regions, varieties and cup profiles. On the cupping table this coffee stood out because it was both typical of yirgacheffe coffee in that there are notes of lemon, lavender and sweet honey, but the supporting body and chocolate notes really made this coffee come alive as espresso. This is a brilliant single origin espresso.
Kenya Lenana Aa
Our lenana kenya aa is named in honor of the mountain known as a holy site to the kikuyu tribe, and its flavor profile is designed to showcase all the attributes of a great kenyan coffee year-round, like this sweet berry and black currant filled cup with beautifully subtle hints of jasmine.
Ethiopia Harewa Gatira
This particular co-op certainly wins for the most remote, 18 miles deep in the ethiopian forest. During the rainy season, harewa gatira is completely cut off, and you walk a full day to visit the group. We applaud these efforts not only in the broader picture, but in helping achieve this particularly beautiful coffee: a wonderful, sparkling and fruit-filled example of coffee that makes its birthplace proud.
Kenya Karatina
At dallis bros. coffee, we try to feature unique micro-lots from small farmers as often as possible. In kenya, coffee "factories" such as the karatina factory from which this beautiful coffee comes, are vitally important and represent the furthest point of traceability in the production chain. Though such traceability is limited in kenya, we know that these coffee factories still provide a huge service to the small farmers by receiving their coffee cherries and producing brilliant coffee in a quality controlled setting.
Central America
Dominican Republic Finca La Paz
Another coffee from within our very own family is finca la paz, dominican republic, a beautiful citrus-and-spice driven cup from this underrepresented coffee producing country. We're delighted to support our belief in relationship coffees right down to farms owned by our talented team members here in new york city.
El Salvador Finca Buenos Aires — Dallis Special Process
Last year we featured two coffees from finca buenos aires, tablon #9 and tablon #11. (Tablon in spanish means “plank”. In both guatemala and el salvador they use this terminology to refer to the separate sections of a farm. ) Our relationship to this farm is facilitated by the wonderful farmer aida batlle, whose aida selections program has been working hard to bring best practices to coffee farms in central america. Through this program and the farm’s willingness to experiment, we are offering two lots from the same tablon with different processing methods. The process these coffee cherries underwent is totally different from the other washed lot from this farm that we offer at the same time. With our close relationship to aida batlle, we were able to custom craft this lot to our specifications. We started the coffee like a natural process, leaving the cherry skin and coffee fruit (called muscilage) intact. Then at a specific point in the drying and natural fermentation of the coffee cherries, we pulled the coffee off the raised beds and finished it like a washed process coffee, set to dry on the large red tiled patio at the las tres puertas dry mill just like our other lot. Taste this alongside our other finca buenos aires selection, tablon #11, to discover just how much processing can affect the cup.
El Salvador La Encantada
This small farm lies on the border of the montecristo national park in the north eastern corner of el salvador. The enrique figueroa lemus foundation owns more than 650 acres, but the coffee growing portion of their land is only a few acres. The story sounds almost too good to be true: the family purchased the land to help conserve the pristine forest in this beautiful region. And just a few years ago, they planted a few acres of coffee to help support the project financially. The forest doesn’t technically pay anything to the family, but coffee could be a source of revenue. So the figueroas planted the pacamara variety at a very high altitude. The coffee turned out to be brilliant. Here in ozone park we were blown away by the first sample. There was so much fruit and sparkle we couldn’t say no to this coffee, even though it was a truly tiny offering. All of the proceeds are paid back to the workers that both maintain the coffee and protect the cloud forest. There are only about 260 pounds of this coffee from this farm in existence, and we bought every bean. This is clearly a very special lot, from a very special family, in a very, very special place.
Honduras Pedro Romero — Los Popitos
A few years ago we bought a sample of this coffee home from a trip that we made to honduras. Being a very unique variety: maragogipe (mar-a-go-heepe) , also known as the elephant bean, and a unique process, natural, where all the fruit is left on the bean: we didn’t know what to expect in the cup. Lets just say that we were impressed. After several phone calls back and forth with pedro antonio romero, we decided to buy this year’s harvest from these very trees. Pedro only has about 50 of these trees and he must have them picked separately so that the coffee isn’t mixed with other varieties. Then he took the beautifully ripe coffee cherries and dried them on his covered patio. There is nothing typical about this coffee: a hard-to-find variety, a unique process for honduras, and a dedicated farmer willing to do all this so that we can sell this tiny lot to our customers. Just look at the bean, and you’ll know right away this coffee’s like nothing you’ve seen before.
Dominican Republic Finca Rufino
A great cup of coffee is sometimes born not just out of dedication, but technology. This coffee is the result of a special technique known as serrano supremo which selects the most dense beans at the mill, for a superior flavor when roasted. The deep red grape and blackberry notes of this coffee are a wonderful representation of the dominican republic's potential.
El Salvador Finca Buenos Aires — Tablon #11
This is our second year working with finca buenos aires. This special lot came from a single picking done on march 4, 2012 from tablon #11, which is the highest altitude tablon on the entire farm. The coffee cherries were brought directly from the farm to the tres puertas mill for prep that same day. There the coffee was de-pulped and allowed to ferment for about 12 hours. There the coffee was washed and then put out on the red tiled patio for drying. We are excited to share this wonderful coffee again the second year in a row.
Honduras La Fortuna Enrique Nuñez
The first time we visited la fortuna, we knew the coffee would be brilliant. It was clear the farm was on the border of highest place that coffee could be grown in this microregion of lempira, honduras. This was 2011 and the harvest was over, and enrique’s coffee had been sold to a local intermediary. This year, we hunted that very same coffee down and were surprised (but not really) when it made us weak in the knees at the cupping table. The coffee had aromas of peach, nectarine and fresh berries, and in the cup there was a beautiful balance of chocolate, red berries and sorrel. One of the cuppers wrote, “has everything”. At dallis bros we are super excited (but again, not surprised) to be offering a coffee that stood out both at the farm, and the cupping table.
South America
Alphabet City Blend
Could there be a more authentic new york espresso experience than walking into ninth street espresso? Since 2001, ninth street has been ahead of the crowd: pushing the envelope and changing the way new york city sees an extraordinary cup of coffee. Available only in their shops and directly from dallis bros. comes ninth street's own alphabet city blend, roasted with care by dallis bros., with coffee from our very own fields in brazil.
Brazil Nossa Senhora Natural Process Yellow Bourbon
At dallis bros. coffee we are very lucky to have a sister company in brazil that happens to be a coffee farm, fazenda nossa senhora aparecida, in the region of pedregulho. There are only three farms in pedregulho that produce washed coffee: ours is of course one of them. Last year, we launched a very special washed yellow bourbon. This year we are launching a different process from those same trees. We are offering a natural process coffee, which leaves the coffee skin and fruit on the bean during the drying process. Natural process isn't new or different. But doing a natural process on yellow bourbon is very different. The rub is this: it is simply very risky. Coffee farms in brazil get a big price premium for a washed or pulped natural yellow bourbon. Our sister farm decided to roll the proverbial dice and process a lot of its precious yellow bourbon as a natural. Lucky for all of us it worked.
Cup of Excellence Late Harvest Brazil Winner #5
Cup of excellence brazil now has two different auctions: early harvest for pulped natural process coffees, and late harvest for natural process coffees. Dallis bros. was lucky to have one of our own at the competition: anne cooper, our wonderful head roaster. Though anne didn’t sit on the jury, she cupped each coffee and picked this one right off the table as one we’d love to have back in ozone park. By coincidence, anne also met the farmer at this event: an inspiring matriarch who moved her deeply — even before she realized this woman's coffee was one of anne's favorites. Now we’re lucky enough to share it with you, and continue the competition’s recognition of this beautiful brazilian coffee. We found that it worked best as an espresso, and we have roasted and launched it as an espresso roast, where it balances wonderfully with steamed milk.
Brazil Fazenda Nossa Senhora Aparecida
Like our own coffee company, fazenda nossa senhora aperecida has a story built on a passion for coffee through generations. We couldn’t be happier to be partnered with this farm to bring such a consistently pleasing, graceful coffee to new york city and beyond. This lot provides a deliciously sweet, smooth cup laden with notes of honey, graham, milk chocolate and spice.
Colombia Cerro De Reyes
This is the second lot we’ve purchased from this association. The exporter, empresas nariño, has organized more than 300 individual farmers and helped them to obtain rainforest alliance certification. Through certification, the farmers can earn a small premium. Beyond that, the certified lots simply taste better this coffee is a win-win between small farmers, a roaster in new york, and you, who taste the fruits of our combined labor—which in this case tastes sweet like peaches with a massive velvety body.
New York Espresso Decaf
Similar to our other decafs the new york espresso decaf is not "just decaf". We treat our decafs with pride because decaf drinkers are so dedicated to drinking coffee that they drink it for the flavor and the ritual. So why not make it taste good? When when we designed the new york espresso decaf, we used only fair trade organic certified ingredients. In the roasting process we roast those ingredients to craft a blend that is delicious as espresso for a late night shot or a cappuccino.
Sumatra Fair Trade and Organic
Lively and sparked, we love the clean, effervescent dynamics of our coffee from sumatra. Coffees from this prolific region are known for an intensely rich, often fruity depth, and we’ve sought out the best from sumatra’s small farming cooperatives to offer you this fully certified fair trade organic coffee.
All Single Origin
Brazil Fazenda Nossa Senhora Aparecida
Like our own coffee company, fazenda nossa senhora aperecida has a story built on a passion for coffee through generations. We couldn’t be happier to be partnered with this farm to bring such a consistently pleasing, graceful coffee to new york city and beyond. This lot provides a deliciously sweet, smooth cup laden with notes of honey, graham, milk chocolate and spice.
Colombia Cerro De Reyes
This is the second lot we’ve purchased from this association. The exporter, empresas nariño, has organized more than 300 individual farmers and helped them to obtain rainforest alliance certification. Through certification, the farmers can earn a small premium. Beyond that, the certified lots simply taste better this coffee is a win-win between small farmers, a roaster in new york, and you, who taste the fruits of our combined labor—which in this case tastes sweet like peaches with a massive velvety body.
Dominican Republic Finca La Paz
Another coffee from within our very own family is finca la paz, dominican republic, a beautiful citrus-and-spice driven cup from this underrepresented coffee producing country. We're delighted to support our belief in relationship coffees right down to farms owned by our talented team members here in new york city.
El Salvador Finca Buenos Aires — Dallis Special Process
Last year we featured two coffees from finca buenos aires, tablon #9 and tablon #11. (Tablon in spanish means “plank”. In both guatemala and el salvador they use this terminology to refer to the separate sections of a farm. ) Our relationship to this farm is facilitated by the wonderful farmer aida batlle, whose aida selections program has been working hard to bring best practices to coffee farms in central america. Through this program and the farm’s willingness to experiment, we are offering two lots from the same tablon with different processing methods. The process these coffee cherries underwent is totally different from the other washed lot from this farm that we offer at the same time. With our close relationship to aida batlle, we were able to custom craft this lot to our specifications. We started the coffee like a natural process, leaving the cherry skin and coffee fruit (called muscilage) intact. Then at a specific point in the drying and natural fermentation of the coffee cherries, we pulled the coffee off the raised beds and finished it like a washed process coffee, set to dry on the large red tiled patio at the las tres puertas dry mill just like our other lot. Taste this alongside our other finca buenos aires selection, tablon #11, to discover just how much processing can affect the cup.
Ethiopia Ardi
Importing coffee from its birthplace, ethiopia, has become a particular art in the modern age of regulated commodities. Dallis bros. works closely with trusted pros within the country to help us access the best of the classic, red-berry, huge fruit coffees its growers are most known for, like this one we call ardi.
Ethiopia Kochere Yirgacheffe Single Origin Espresso
Ethiopia is known the world over for its beautiful coffee. Not only is it the birthplace of all arabica coffea (arabica) coffee, it is home to some of the most diverse regions, varieties and cup profiles. On the cupping table this coffee stood out because it was both typical of yirgacheffe coffee in that there are notes of lemon, lavender and sweet honey, but the supporting body and chocolate notes really made this coffee come alive as espresso. This is a brilliant single origin espresso.
Honduras Pedro Romero — Los Popitos
A few years ago we bought a sample of this coffee home from a trip that we made to honduras. Being a very unique variety: maragogipe (mar-a-go-heepe) , also known as the elephant bean, and a unique process, natural, where all the fruit is left on the bean: we didn’t know what to expect in the cup. Lets just say that we were impressed. After several phone calls back and forth with pedro antonio romero, we decided to buy this year’s harvest from these very trees. Pedro only has about 50 of these trees and he must have them picked separately so that the coffee isn’t mixed with other varieties. Then he took the beautifully ripe coffee cherries and dried them on his covered patio. There is nothing typical about this coffee: a hard-to-find variety, a unique process for honduras, and a dedicated farmer willing to do all this so that we can sell this tiny lot to our customers. Just look at the bean, and you’ll know right away this coffee’s like nothing you’ve seen before.
Kenya Lenana Aa
Our lenana kenya aa is named in honor of the mountain known as a holy site to the kikuyu tribe, and its flavor profile is designed to showcase all the attributes of a great kenyan coffee year-round, like this sweet berry and black currant filled cup with beautifully subtle hints of jasmine.
Brazil Nossa Senhora Natural Process Yellow Bourbon
At dallis bros. coffee we are very lucky to have a sister company in brazil that happens to be a coffee farm, fazenda nossa senhora aparecida, in the region of pedregulho. There are only three farms in pedregulho that produce washed coffee: ours is of course one of them. Last year, we launched a very special washed yellow bourbon. This year we are launching a different process from those same trees. We are offering a natural process coffee, which leaves the coffee skin and fruit on the bean during the drying process. Natural process isn't new or different. But doing a natural process on yellow bourbon is very different. The rub is this: it is simply very risky. Coffee farms in brazil get a big price premium for a washed or pulped natural yellow bourbon. Our sister farm decided to roll the proverbial dice and process a lot of its precious yellow bourbon as a natural. Lucky for all of us it worked.
Cup of Excellence Late Harvest Brazil Winner #5
Cup of excellence brazil now has two different auctions: early harvest for pulped natural process coffees, and late harvest for natural process coffees. Dallis bros. was lucky to have one of our own at the competition: anne cooper, our wonderful head roaster. Though anne didn’t sit on the jury, she cupped each coffee and picked this one right off the table as one we’d love to have back in ozone park. By coincidence, anne also met the farmer at this event: an inspiring matriarch who moved her deeply — even before she realized this woman's coffee was one of anne's favorites. Now we’re lucky enough to share it with you, and continue the competition’s recognition of this beautiful brazilian coffee. We found that it worked best as an espresso, and we have roasted and launched it as an espresso roast, where it balances wonderfully with steamed milk.
Dominican Republic Finca Rufino
A great cup of coffee is sometimes born not just out of dedication, but technology. This coffee is the result of a special technique known as serrano supremo which selects the most dense beans at the mill, for a superior flavor when roasted. The deep red grape and blackberry notes of this coffee are a wonderful representation of the dominican republic's potential.
El Salvador La Encantada
This small farm lies on the border of the montecristo national park in the north eastern corner of el salvador. The enrique figueroa lemus foundation owns more than 650 acres, but the coffee growing portion of their land is only a few acres. The story sounds almost too good to be true: the family purchased the land to help conserve the pristine forest in this beautiful region. And just a few years ago, they planted a few acres of coffee to help support the project financially. The forest doesn’t technically pay anything to the family, but coffee could be a source of revenue. So the figueroas planted the pacamara variety at a very high altitude. The coffee turned out to be brilliant. Here in ozone park we were blown away by the first sample. There was so much fruit and sparkle we couldn’t say no to this coffee, even though it was a truly tiny offering. All of the proceeds are paid back to the workers that both maintain the coffee and protect the cloud forest. There are only about 260 pounds of this coffee from this farm in existence, and we bought every bean. This is clearly a very special lot, from a very special family, in a very, very special place.
Ethiopia Harewa Gatira
This particular co-op certainly wins for the most remote, 18 miles deep in the ethiopian forest. During the rainy season, harewa gatira is completely cut off, and you walk a full day to visit the group. We applaud these efforts not only in the broader picture, but in helping achieve this particularly beautiful coffee: a wonderful, sparkling and fruit-filled example of coffee that makes its birthplace proud.
Honduras La Fortuna Enrique Nuñez
The first time we visited la fortuna, we knew the coffee would be brilliant. It was clear the farm was on the border of highest place that coffee could be grown in this microregion of lempira, honduras. This was 2011 and the harvest was over, and enrique’s coffee had been sold to a local intermediary. This year, we hunted that very same coffee down and were surprised (but not really) when it made us weak in the knees at the cupping table. The coffee had aromas of peach, nectarine and fresh berries, and in the cup there was a beautiful balance of chocolate, red berries and sorrel. One of the cuppers wrote, “has everything”. At dallis bros we are super excited (but again, not surprised) to be offering a coffee that stood out both at the farm, and the cupping table.
Kenya Karatina
At dallis bros. coffee, we try to feature unique micro-lots from small farmers as often as possible. In kenya, coffee "factories" such as the karatina factory from which this beautiful coffee comes, are vitally important and represent the furthest point of traceability in the production chain. Though such traceability is limited in kenya, we know that these coffee factories still provide a huge service to the small farmers by receiving their coffee cherries and producing brilliant coffee in a quality controlled setting.
Sumatra Fair Trade and Organic
Lively and sparked, we love the clean, effervescent dynamics of our coffee from sumatra. Coffees from this prolific region are known for an intensely rich, often fruity depth, and we’ve sought out the best from sumatra’s small farming cooperatives to offer you this fully certified fair trade organic coffee.
Alphabet City Blend
Could there be a more authentic new york espresso experience than walking into ninth street espresso? Since 2001, ninth street has been ahead of the crowd: pushing the envelope and changing the way new york city sees an extraordinary cup of coffee. Available only in their shops and directly from dallis bros. comes ninth street's own alphabet city blend, roasted with care by dallis bros., with coffee from our very own fields in brazil.
Ellis Island Blend
As part of our commitment to supporting sustainable growing practices and co-ops in coffee growing countries, we offer this blend of dark- and light-roasted fair trade and organic (fto) coffees. This dark roast adds that pleasant bittersweet note and the light roast brings balance with wonderful nutty notes and some acidity.
New York Espresso Blend
From the days nearly 100 years ago when brothers abe and morris dallis began their horse-and-buggy coffee trade on the cobbled streets of new york city to the changing times of today, dallis bros. coffee has always kept the tastes of new yorkers at the forefront of their business. Though times — and roasting styles — have changed as the city’s grown, so has dallis bros. grown with them, keeping a constant focus on innovation and quality while always working to craft that perfect cup. Working in tandem with our q graders and artisanal roasters, dallis bros. director of coffee byron holcomb chooses coffees from a year-round rotation of harvests to maintain the balanced, intense and direct flavors of our trusted new york espresso blend across the growing seasons of the world, and the dynamic seasons of new york city itself. New york is a city full of people constantly striving, and dallis bros. is no different as it continues to strive to create that perfect new york cup, to drink from canal street to riverside drive, to end the finest meal or to pair with your cannoli. Through our intimate experience with the city’s tastes, we’ve learned what new yorkers want. This espresso blend offers something strong, a bit smoky, pleasantly bittersweet with hints of tobacco. As unreserved and vibrant as the city itself.
Red Den Blend
Red den is a combination of three top quality arabica coffees from central america, south america and indonesia. Each of these three coffees brings a unique element to the blend, both in terms of the origins themselves, the processes utilized during the harvest, and of course the flavor profiles created. These coffees are also grown, processed, and harvested using 100% certified organic and fair trade certified practices. Red den is a darker roast profile. Bold flavors of mesquite, spice, dark chocolate, and creamy body are all attributes brought to the fore by our artisanal roasting methodology. This is a coffee that will be perfect with rich foods, desserts, or with cream.
Unisphere Blend
The name unisphere celebrates the rich heritage of queens, paying homage to the world’s fair icon that represents the borough’s contributions to innovation, and the promise of what our world can produce when the best and brightest come together. Dallis bros., like the world’s fairgrounds that also call it home, is queens-bred through and through, defining ourselves by a history of innovation and progress. Following this inspiration, we created a blend to represent the magic that can happen when worlds of coffee come together. Our unisphere is a balancing act of clean, beautiful coffees that brew a sweet morning cup. Unisphere is a lighter roast profile which emphasizes the qualities inherent to each single origin coffee. Flavors of caramel, plum, nougat, malt, and gently glowing brightness all shine though this universally delicious blend. The balanced and sweet flavor profile augments other foods well, and makes for a great cup not just early in the morning, but throughout the whole day.
Brazil Fazenda Nossa Senhora Aparecida Swp Decaf
This coffee is many things: certified, traceable, and above all, delicious. At dallis bros., we have a lot of respect for decaf drinkers because we know they’re drinking coffee for the flavor, not the buzz. We’re now proud to offer—for the first time—a decaffeinated coffee from our own farm in brazil. We used swiss water process decaffeination to process our coffee and the taste is everything we’d hoped for. The swiss water process only uses warm water and a very specialized carbon filter to decaffeinate coffee. The resulting decaf coffee both tastes like the original, caffeinated version, and maintains any certifications the farm might have, meaning fazenda nossa senhora aparecida decaf is still rainforest alliance certified. This beautiful decaf features subtle fruit notes and a medium body. It’s a versatile coffee that can be prepared as drip or espresso. Give our decaf a try and find out what the buzz is—without the buzz.
Irreverence Blend
Say the word “blend” to some coffee people, and they will hear the word “boring”. While we at dallis bros. know a blend can be far beyond boring, we’ve pushed the envelope this time with irreverence, a fresh, dynamic, and essentially intense blend created to turn the very notion of blended balance on its ear. While our mainstay espressos are well-tempered crowd pleasers, irreverence is anything but simple: it’s an equation that’s more than the sum of its two intense parts. Irreverence is a misnomer, in fact, because we created this blend entirely out of our reverence for the barista craft and the passion of those who constantly seek to expand their understanding, and love, of coffee. We’ve made an espresso that’s meant to be both exciting and delicious: not to intimidate, but to enlighten.
New York Espresso Decaf
Similar to our other decafs the new york espresso decaf is not "just decaf". We treat our decafs with pride because decaf drinkers are so dedicated to drinking coffee that they drink it for the flavor and the ritual. So why not make it taste good? When when we designed the new york espresso decaf, we used only fair trade organic certified ingredients. In the roasting process we roast those ingredients to craft a blend that is delicious as espresso for a late night shot or a cappuccino.
Red Den Blend Decaf Swp
If you like the depth of a dark roast flavor without the caffeine, nestle up in a cup of red den. We've carefully crafted a dark roasted coffee that is both swiss water processed (swp) and fair trade organic certified (fto) . Swiss water process is our preferred decaffeination method — no chemicals are used, leaving the coffee tasting great. And the fair trade organic certifications on these coffees are important because they show a commitment by the growers to not use chemicals on their coffees during production. Bold flavors of mesquite, spice, dark chocolate, and creamy body are all brought to the fore in this great blend, perfect for drinking at any time of day.
Unisphere Blend Decaf Swp
Here at dallis brothers coffee we respect decaf drinkers. They're the people who drink coffee not for the buzz, but for the ritual and the flavor. In order to produce a good decaf coffee we need to first start with good green (unroasted) coffee. Then that coffee should be decaffienated without use of chemicals — like the swiss water process method. The swiss water process involves putting the green coffee in a hot water bath to extract the caffeine and flavor compounds in the coffee. Then the water is run through a carbon filter where the caffeine attaches to the filter. The flavor compounds are reintroduced into the coffee and dried. We go through all the effort of finding you a nice decaf so that you can enjoy drinking it. Our unisphere blend decaf is delicious with notes of milk chocolate and subtle notes of cinnamon wrapped around a creamy body.
Alphabet City Blend
Could there be a more authentic new york espresso experience than walking into ninth street espresso? Since 2001, ninth street has been ahead of the crowd: pushing the envelope and changing the way new york city sees an extraordinary cup of coffee. Available only in their shops and directly from dallis bros. comes ninth street's own alphabet city blend, roasted with care by dallis bros., with coffee from our very own fields in brazil.
Ethiopia Kochere Yirgacheffe Single Origin Espresso
Ethiopia is known the world over for its beautiful coffee. Not only is it the birthplace of all arabica coffea (arabica) coffee, it is home to some of the most diverse regions, varieties and cup profiles. On the cupping table this coffee stood out because it was both typical of yirgacheffe coffee in that there are notes of lemon, lavender and sweet honey, but the supporting body and chocolate notes really made this coffee come alive as espresso. This is a brilliant single origin espresso.
New York Espresso Blend
From the days nearly 100 years ago when brothers abe and morris dallis began their horse-and-buggy coffee trade on the cobbled streets of new york city to the changing times of today, dallis bros. coffee has always kept the tastes of new yorkers at the forefront of their business. Though times — and roasting styles — have changed as the city’s grown, so has dallis bros. grown with them, keeping a constant focus on innovation and quality while always working to craft that perfect cup. Working in tandem with our q graders and artisanal roasters, dallis bros. director of coffee byron holcomb chooses coffees from a year-round rotation of harvests to maintain the balanced, intense and direct flavors of our trusted new york espresso blend across the growing seasons of the world, and the dynamic seasons of new york city itself. New york is a city full of people constantly striving, and dallis bros. is no different as it continues to strive to create that perfect new york cup, to drink from canal street to riverside drive, to end the finest meal or to pair with your cannoli. Through our intimate experience with the city’s tastes, we’ve learned what new yorkers want. This espresso blend offers something strong, a bit smoky, pleasantly bittersweet with hints of tobacco. As unreserved and vibrant as the city itself.
Cup of Excellence Late Harvest Brazil Winner #5
Cup of excellence brazil now has two different auctions: early harvest for pulped natural process coffees, and late harvest for natural process coffees. Dallis bros. was lucky to have one of our own at the competition: anne cooper, our wonderful head roaster. Though anne didn’t sit on the jury, she cupped each coffee and picked this one right off the table as one we’d love to have back in ozone park. By coincidence, anne also met the farmer at this event: an inspiring matriarch who moved her deeply — even before she realized this woman's coffee was one of anne's favorites. Now we’re lucky enough to share it with you, and continue the competition’s recognition of this beautiful brazilian coffee. We found that it worked best as an espresso, and we have roasted and launched it as an espresso roast, where it balances wonderfully with steamed milk.
Irreverence Blend
Say the word “blend” to some coffee people, and they will hear the word “boring”. While we at dallis bros. know a blend can be far beyond boring, we’ve pushed the envelope this time with irreverence, a fresh, dynamic, and essentially intense blend created to turn the very notion of blended balance on its ear. While our mainstay espressos are well-tempered crowd pleasers, irreverence is anything but simple: it’s an equation that’s more than the sum of its two intense parts. Irreverence is a misnomer, in fact, because we created this blend entirely out of our reverence for the barista craft and the passion of those who constantly seek to expand their understanding, and love, of coffee. We’ve made an espresso that’s meant to be both exciting and delicious: not to intimidate, but to enlighten.
New York Espresso Decaf
Similar to our other decafs the new york espresso decaf is not "just decaf". We treat our decafs with pride because decaf drinkers are so dedicated to drinking coffee that they drink it for the flavor and the ritual. So why not make it taste good? When when we designed the new york espresso decaf, we used only fair trade organic certified ingredients. In the roasting process we roast those ingredients to craft a blend that is delicious as espresso for a late night shot or a cappuccino
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