If you're flight is delayed long enough you might be able to figure out a way to slip some plantation shutters into your car. I'm a big fan of mass transit, but it might be tricky on the AirBart.
Came here for the beer. They got Stella and shock top on tap so I'm ready to board my flight after this. Also got thunderhead ipa just sampled it and it's worthwhile.
The staff just doesn't care. Waiting to be seated, waiting to place an order, finished my drink before I finished eating and no offer to refill. High prices and lack of service = lost customer.
Спросили скоро ли наш самолёт, посадили за столик. За заказом подошли через 15 минут. Еду принесли через 35 минут. Пару раз извинялись проходя мимо. На кнопки вызова персонала не реагируют.