This is the place. It's where everyone, rich, poor, famous, or famished winds up when the clubs close; where locals show up hung-over the next day, and where their parents grab an early bird special.
Not a good place at all… the French toast is just toasted bread, the sunny side egg over cooked with a hard yolk and, instead of “real maple syrup”, they give you some Smucker’s breakfastsyrup shit
Had the PitaBurger they brought out the burger on top of the pita bread with a poor piece of lettuce on the side reminded me of school lunch to top it off bill comes and beer we order was 7$ wtf
How can Amin be the mayor of the Insight Diner..... this is not correct..... when I have personally doubled my cholesterol eating here..... :-))Jez XXXX Read more