The social science and science reading rooms get full early. Try one of the other rooms. Also, order any books you need before going to the library. It takes at least 70 minutes for them to arrive.
Houses the journal of ill-fated Antarctic explorer, Captain Scott (1868-1912), who joined his first ship aged 13. The final entry reads ‘for God’s sake look after our people’. Find your maritime story Read more
For adventurers only: on Sunday try to stay in the building 5mins after closing time to finish your stuff on laptop and you'll be kicked out like a criminal! Heh
It's the British Library! It needs no introduction. It's not as intimidating inside. Go in, have a wander round. It's free, historic and epic. Read more
Yes, we have a copy of just about every book ever published in Britain. But we also stage events and run exhibitions. We have free wi-fi too! Visit us soon.