Boby’s Liked Places
Warung Lesehan Yogyakarta is one of Boby’s Liked Places.

1. Warung Lesehan Yogyakarta

Jl. Raya Lembah Dieng A1-8, Malang, Jawa Timur
Indonesian Restaurant · 21 tips and reviews

Boby W.Boby Wisesa: Gurami goreng, bandeg bakar cabut duri, usus goreng dan ayam goreng kremes.. All recommended! Bwt yg suka makan pakai krupuk, di kasir ad rambak Cumi yg enak... hanya 5rb per bungkusnya.

Teysa's is one of Boby’s Liked Places.

2. Teysa's

Jl. Merbabu No. 4, Malang, Jawa Timur
Steakhouse · 42 tips and reviews
Kotak Ikan is one of Boby’s Liked Places.

3. Kotak Ikan

Jl. Pulosari No. 17, Malang, Jawa Timur
Dessert Shop · 21 tips and reviews
Nasi Goreng Hitam NASTAM ABLEH is one of Boby’s Liked Places.

4. Nasi Goreng Hitam NASTAM ABLEH

Jl. Letjen S. Parman No.112, Malang, Jawa Timur
Asian Restaurant · 4 tips and reviews

Boby W.Boby Wisesa: Nasi goreng dengan tinta cumi dan potongan cumi... Disajikan dengan telur ceplok. Rasanya enak banget! Recommended untuk pecinta nasi goreng yang mau coba nasi goreng varian baru.

8 Oz Coffee Studio is one of Boby’s Liked Places.

5. 8 Oz Coffee Studio

Jl. Citandui No. 74, Malang, Jawa Timur
Coffee Shop · 29 tips and reviews

Boby W.Boby Wisesa: The Croissant and the filling (cream chicken) was a very delicious meal.. me, my wife and my son loves it... it was really a great food!

Waroeng SS is one of Boby’s Liked Places.

6. Waroeng SS

Jalan Ciliwung No. 53, Malang, Jawa Timur
Indonesian Restaurant · 120 tips and reviews

Boby W.Boby Wisesa: Sambel Leunca nya manis gurih sedap... daging sapi, jamur krispi dan iso gorengnya favorit!