A dream for every beer lover. Lovely interior, friendly staff, plenty of beer to choose. A must-go! Some say this is the best Irish pub in the Czech republic and I don't see a reason to disagree.
Offers a unique collection of about 400 kinds of whiskey. Gained the 3rd place in Czech Bar Awards 2014 for the best pub/beer bar! Drinking Guinness or single-malt, you'll be always welcomed.
The whisky selection is formidable to say the least (in all sincerity, it’s beyond exceptional). On top of that, you can get some of the crispest beer you’ve ever had. A true gem of a pub.
Nice place, has great selection of liquors and good beer. The staff is really nice. This pub does not accept credit card, CASH ONLY (there are two ATMs really close by). Can bring food other places in
Guinness, scotch, irish, japanese, any kind of whiskey with outstanding service. Great atmosphere with all that wood and leather improved by extraordinary staff's care.
Velmi kvalitní irský bar, který patří kr špičce v čr. Velký výber whisky a irských piv, které jen tak někde jinde nenajdete. Cena jsou vyšší, ale vyplatí se to. Býva často narváno -> rezervace 😊
Jedna z největších nabídek whisky v ČR. Majitel sam jezdi poznávat nove značky primo do destilek. Obsluha zna výborně nabídku a ochotně Vám doporučí, po čem sáhnout. Take tocena světová piva