Ari Titis Widi’s Liked Places
My Kopi-O! is one of Ari Titis Widi’s Liked Places.

1. My Kopi-O!

Jl. Sisingamangaraja No. 75, Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Asian Restaurant · 36 tips and reviews
ETC (ET Cetera) is one of Ari Titis Widi’s Liked Places.

2. ETC (ET Cetera)

Jalan Trunojoyo No. 40 (Cibeunying), Bandung, Jawa Barat
Steakhouse · 83 tips and reviews
Triangle Lounge And Bar is one of Ari Titis Widi’s Liked Places.

3. Triangle Lounge And Bar

Jl. Hariang Banga (Taman Sari), Bandung, Jawa Barat
Bar · 5 tips and reviews
Mango Tree Bistro is one of Ari Titis Widi’s Liked Places.

4. Mango Tree Bistro

Epicentrum Walk, G Floor Unit W120 (Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said), Jakarta, Jakarta
Thai Restaurant · Jakarta Selatan · 21 tips and reviews
Plaza Indonesia XXI is one of Ari Titis Widi’s Liked Places.

5. Plaza Indonesia XXI

Plaza Indonesia Extension, 6th Floor (Jalan Mohammad Husni Thamrin Kav. 28-30), Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta
Movie Theater · Menteng · 141 tips and reviews
Ayam Goreng Kalasan Bu Aryani is one of Ari Titis Widi’s Liked Places.

6. Ayam Goreng Kalasan Bu Aryani

jl. simpang lima, Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Asian Restaurant · 2 tips and reviews
Pecel Mbok Kami is one of Ari Titis Widi’s Liked Places.

7. Pecel Mbok Kami

Jl. Tentara Pelajar (Ambarawa), Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · 16 tips and reviews
Nasi Uduk Kebon Kacang Zaenal Fanani is one of Ari Titis Widi’s Liked Places.

8. Nasi Uduk Kebon Kacang Zaenal Fanani

Jl. Kebon Kacang VIII No. 5, Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta
Betawinese Restaurant · 51 tips and reviews
Tung De Blang Billiard & Resto is one of Ari Titis Widi’s Liked Places.

9. Tung De Blang Billiard & Resto

Jl. Sultan Agung, Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Pool Hall · 17 tips and reviews
E-Plaza is one of Ari Titis Widi’s Liked Places.

10. E-Plaza

Gajah Mada Plaza, Lt. 2, B - 29 (Jalan Simpang Lima), Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Arts and Entertainment · 52 tips and reviews