

Japanese Restaurant and Sushi Restaurant€€€€
  • Tips
    Celine W.
    "A tester : combox F & katsudon"(2 Tips)
    Geert A.
    "good value for money"(6 Tips)
    Thomas V.
    "Great lunch even if you don't eat fish."(7 Tips)
    Boris M.
    "Don't ask for japan beer, it is made in London"(2 Tips)
Tips and Reviews icon50 Tips and reviews
  • sushi
  • great value
  • bento boxes
  • casual
  • lively
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  • Eduardo R.heart icon on user image
    Eduardo RaposoNovember 16, 2014
    Generous portions of cheap, school cafeteria-level dishes. Not authentic or very good, but good enough for its price.
  • Fred I.heart icon on user image
    Fred IovineAugust 25, 2017
    Been here 10+ times
    Good value for money! week day lunch highly recommended!
  • Clement H.heart icon on user image
    Clement H.September 27, 2015
    Cheap and tasty. You get a good price value
  • Sietse V.heart icon on user image
    Sietse Van DoorslaerMarch 10, 2015
    Very unfriendly Chinese owner, who treats her staff as slaves and bosses them around 'tiger mother' style. Unauthentic. A unorganised Japanese restaurant owned by Chinese, in a fake orientalist decor.
  • Ismaël B.heart icon on user image
    Ismaël BouazizFebruary 10, 2016
    Provides good menus called combox, if you want to try a Japanese complete meal.
  • Noemí I.
    Noemí IniestaMarch 29, 2014
    I didn't like. Bad service and the plates are not so good... Too much rice and salade and not so much makis and sashimi (included one octopus without cooking, really disgusting)
  • Thuy N.
    Thuy NguyenMay 18, 2013
    An average resto located in the heart of Brussels owned by Chinese serving Japanese food with Korean background music.
  • Wendy V.heart icon on user image
    Wendy VermoesenSeptember 16, 2016
    The lunch menu is great!
  • Matthew D.heart icon on user image
    Matthew DomAugust 6, 2017
    Try the Coca Cola - (via @Foodspotting)
  • David G.heart icon on user image
    David GoscinnyAugust 6, 2014
    Been here 10+ times
    Sea-weed salad, tempura, sashimi, makis
  • Nina K.
    Nina KarcherMay 1, 2018
    Easy lunch. Service is a bit slow.
  • Reazheart icon on user image
    ReazFebruary 15, 2016
    Been here 50+ times
    Try it lunchtime... It's great value for money
  • Seya B.
    Seya Ben AmarApril 5, 2011
    Fast service. Been there a couple of times and they forgot to charge our drinks twice. Win.
  • Jelle A.
    Jelle AnnaarsApril 5, 2012
    Lunch deals run through 18h, ideal if you're having early dinner ;)
  • Geert A.
    Geert AllegaertDecember 4, 2010
    Japanese food Mac Donalds style. kids love it, good value for money, fast service but don't expect top ingredients/cuisine
  • Marc T.heart icon on user image
    Marc TunguzAugust 6, 2014
    Been here 10+ times
    I used to love that place but service was terrible lately. Worst, last time I went I saw they re-used sushi from a client who left in a new plate for another client. Yuk...
  • Mario M.
    Mario M.July 21, 2012
    Try the bento box - #japanese #sushi
  • Kamran G.
    Kamran GhassempourSeptember 14, 2011
    Excellent lunch. Try to be close to the chef.
  • David G.heart icon on user image
    David GoscinnyJanuary 7, 2013
    Been here 10+ times
    You can either pay cash or with a credit card. No bank card / Bankcontact.
  • Philippe S.
    Philippe SzombatMarch 17, 2012
    just took a picture of the kitchen. do you really want to eat here? If I die tonight, I hope it will be for the good cause, a f. birthday.
  • Gregg T.
    Gregg TaliaferroMarch 12, 2013
    The miso soup is delicious.
  • Wai Kit L.
    Wai Kit LaiJune 11, 2018
    Service is terribly bad. The waitress just don’t understand what you said, and show unhappy face when you order less.
  • Peter A.
    Peter AdlerJuly 30, 2011
    If you are in company and choose two different meals, don't expect two get served at the same time
  • Marc T.heart icon on user image
    Marc TunguzFebruary 23, 2011
    Been here 10+ times
    Best place for Japanese food in Brussels !
  • Boris M.
    Boris MihaylovOctober 26, 2011
    Don't ask for japan beer, it is made in London
  • Thomas V.
    Great lunch even if you don't eat fish.
  • Celine W.heart icon on user image
    Celine WatteyneOctober 17, 2014
    Been here 5+ times
    A tester : combox F & katsudon
  • Yanis Y.
    Yanis YanOctober 26, 2011
    Menu A1 - wonderful!!!
  • Arnaud H.heart icon on user image
    Arnaud HenneOctober 24, 2011
    Been here 50+ times
    Lunch C3 + Asahi is the perfect meal !
  • Peter A.
    Peter AdlerAugust 1, 2011
    Not satisfied. Past the worst rush hour, yet waited 20 min. before orders taken. Beef w. noodles, meat not tasting fresh. Green tea was cold. Waited another 20 min. for the bill. Disorganised place.
  • Dnheart icon on user image
    DnJune 4, 2013
    Cheap but poor quality...
  • Deoui A.
    Deoui AjahApril 1, 2012
    Need some more good aTtitude in serving their clients
  • Sophie C.
    Sophie CJune 6, 2012
    One place to avoid. Terrible service, rude staff and not the best Japanese cuisine in town. Venture somewhere else
  • Pablo H.heart icon on user image
    Pablo HernándezDecember 31, 2015
    Great Japanese restaurant. Very good prices for such an expensive city. Clean. Very recommended. / Très bon restaurant japonais. Bons prix pour une ville tres chère. Propre. Très recommandé.
  • Benjamin G.heart icon on user image
    Benjamin GovaertNovember 12, 2015
    Une carte variée à prix modique, un service rapide et impersonnel, Anata me fait penser à une cantine que finalement on aime bien. Mention spécial au katsudon !
  • Nathalie K.heart icon on user image
    Nathalie KielbowiczSeptember 23, 2014
    Been here 5+ times
    Le top: les menus du lunch! Jusque 18h des supers plateaux pour tous les goûts, je conseille le C3!
  • Marie V.heart icon on user image
    Marie VandenbergFebruary 3, 2015
    Accueil et service expéditif mais respectable. Plat copieux, rapport qualité/prix acceptable (surtout les lunchs). Bonne ambiance
  • Nathalie K.heart icon on user image
    Nathalie KielbowiczNovember 1, 2014
    Been here 5+ times
    Passez une soirée entre amis autour du Teppan Yaki! Bonne soirée et excellents souvenirs garantis!
  • Helcanen V.heart icon on user image
    Helcanen ValJanuary 13, 2017
    Been here 10+ times
    Intéressant surtout pour les lunch, la quantité est assez grande et le prix assez bas.
  • Jean S.heart icon on user image
    Jean SavelAugust 12, 2019
    Lunch de midi à un mini prix pour un maximum de plaisir. A découvrir sans tarder !
  • Freddi S.
    Freddi SiroccoApril 2, 2011
    Been here 5+ times
    Le menu idéal à les yeux: une brochette Yakitori bœuf/fromage, 7 Ravioli Gyoza et pour finir, un Katsudon (porc pané, œuf, oignon, riz). Faim!
  • Sébastien T.
    Sébastien TaisJune 1, 2013
    Bon, copieux, pas trop cher... Que demander de plus ? Les menus complets sont parfaits pour découvrir ou varier son repas !
  • DVT
    DVTApril 21, 2012
    Avec un roulement pareil, les sushis sont toujours frais! Large choix, menus avantageux (le C1!). Goutez le carpaccio de bœuf!
  • Steven H.
    Steven HuysegomsSeptember 29, 2010
    Heerlijk sushi en shasimi restaurant. Heeft 's middags erg betaalbare lunchmenu's van €12,10 die groot genoeg zijn. Zeer snelle bediening van deze menu's. Soms erg druk. Spreken geen nederlands.
  • Mourad O.
    Mourad OrlovJune 27, 2014
    Lunch très correct au prix très attractif à refaire .
  • Arnaud H.heart icon on user image
    Arnaud HenneDecember 17, 2014
    Been here 50+ times
    Des rénovations ont récemment eu lieu au niveau du sol, des murs et des sanitaires ... C'est déjà beaucoup plus clean ! Il ne reste plus qu'à remplacer les menus tout crades !!!
  • François V.
    François VCDecember 20, 2011
    Un endroit où manger un bon plat de sushis se propose entre amis et où les prix sont raisonnables pour manger japonais.
  • Fabrizio R.
    Fabrizio RMarch 30, 2012
    Très très bien servis et ultra rapide ! Très bon rapport qualité/prix ! À recommander !
  • Nathalie K.heart icon on user image
    Nathalie KielbowiczAugust 11, 2014
    Been here 5+ times
    Le lunch!!! De supers plateaux délicieux!
  • Maiara P.
    Maiara PierlotAugust 9, 2012
    hummmmm, j´adore les sushis!!! :-D mais pas la glace de Thé Vert avec sauce de haricots rouges!!!
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