Ali’s Liked Places

1. Baker Hughes Int Inc "Wireline Base"

Ski Lodge · No tips or reviews
Tic-Talk is one of Ali’s Liked Places.

2. Tic-Talk

Café · 7 tips and reviews

Ali B.Ali Babayev: Really great place to show your group of friends what you are made of in board games such as monopoly, jenga, etc. Amazing place to get relaxed and serve your feelings to the opposite gender too!

Dalloyau Baku is one of Ali’s Liked Places.

3. Dalloyau Baku

Neftchiler Ave.111, Bakı, Baki
French Restaurant · 18 tips and reviews
Entrée is one of Ali’s Liked Places.

4. Entrée

Café · 14 tips and reviews
Fountains Square is one of Ali’s Liked Places.

5. Fountains Square

(Fəvvarələr Meydanı)
Nizami küç. (Azərbaycan pr.), Bakı, Baki
Plaza · 147 tips and reviews
Azure Residence (Yeni Həyat) is one of Ali’s Liked Places.

6. Azure Residence (Yeni Həyat)

Nobel pr. 15 (A. Jalilov str.), Bakı, Baki
Apartment or Condo · 7 tips and reviews
Fabrika Coworking Center is one of Ali’s Liked Places.

7. Fabrika Coworking Center

Arts and Entertainment · No tips or reviews
ADA University is one of Ali’s Liked Places.

8. ADA University

Әhmədbəy Ağaoğlu küç. 11, Bakı, Baki
University · 8 tips and reviews
Paul is one of Ali’s Liked Places.

9. Paul

Port Baku Residence (Neftchilar Ave), Bakı, Baki
Bakery · 122 tips and reviews

Ali B.Ali Babayev: Enjoyed the food and condition so much! That interior and quality-rapid service shall be example for most restaurants and bakeries in Baku. It just makes you feel that you are in France for a while!

Finnegan's Irish Pub is one of Ali’s Liked Places.

10. Finnegan's Irish Pub

8 Alizadeh str., Bakı, Baki
Pub · 126 tips and reviews

Ali B.Ali Babayev: Atmosphere in this pub is not astonishing but it is somehow enough to enjoy your time with group of people. Beer and fried dushbere were legendary! For overall, this is one of the best pub in Baku!